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Submission + - RPGNow and RPGShop credit card data hacked

HyperBear writes: "Earlier this evening a thread on indicated that the credit card database for the online game stores RPGNow and RPGShop had been hacked, and that credit card information was available in the clear via a Google search. This thread has since been removed, at the request of RPGNow. In its place is another thread indicating that RPGNow asked to have the original thread removed in an effort to "mitigate damage". There is as yet no word as to how the data was taken from their site, when the data was taken, or why the data was stored on their servers unencrypted. Steve at RPGNow said, 'We have purged all credit card data from RPGNow and RPGShop servers and will remove the option for customers to have that data stored until we resolve the matter.'"

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