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Comment Re:I am not sure what the hoopla is about (Score 4, Insightful) 307

I was not surprised either. However, we purport to be a free country with certain rights, including privacy. To not follow that is not just insulting and hypocritical, it is dangerous. The sheer amount of data collected is too much to handle period. This was proven at 9/11 which the NSA had intel on (with far less noisy data than now), and with the Boston marathon bombing.

The question then is what will this data be used for if it is not usable/used for its intended purpose? I can think of nothing good, and this is the reason for those rights in the first place. To prevent tyranny.

Comment Re:Naive to say the least. (Score 1) 258

That seems exceptionally short. I run a repair shop, and dead/dying HDDs are the second most common problem. While I do not know the operational hours of these devices, the great majority are past the 3 year mark when they begin to fail.
I guess it also depends on your definition of high density as I do not see many drives > 1TB in consumer/SMB equipment.

Comment Fermi's paradox is hubris (Score 2) 237

Fermi's paradox assumes that intelligence is the endgame of evolution, and that any (or some) intelligent species will survive. Perhaps intelligence is an evolutionary dead end, that we just have not reached yet.

Regardless even if billion year old civilizations do exist, as posted above, there may well be hard physical limits on expansion due c etc. And just listening for radio evidence is unlikely, both due to distance, and the fact that out own radio window (and any other species) is likely to be short. already more and more of our radio transmissions are low power and directed. This will only continue, reducing our emissions, Listening for any leakage from a great distance is akin to trying to smell a fart in a hurricane.

Comment Re:am disappoint (Score 1) 78

It is not 'a simple browser' when loaded with extensions. Without extensions, the performance of chrome and firefox are fine. My argument holds, and the issues is not the browser. The biggest issue I see is webpage bloat. 2-3 tabs can easily take over 1GB RAM, but RAM is cheap and easily upgradable in most cases.

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