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Comment Re:Some people would like to outlaw the Internet (Score 1) 210

Yes, I use adblock. Not because I am opposed to ads, but because they have become overbearing, in the way of actual content, and oftentimes, infection vectors. I do not want content for free. I want a model where wealth and power are distributed more evenly, a model where I am FREE to choose what I want to watch. I am free no not watch, and that is what I currently do, but that is a false choice.

In the current model, a select few fleece the users and call it the cost of buinsess, because we steal and they have to 'legally license' from EACH OTHER, essentially handing the money they get from us back and forth with a bunch of hand waving and doublespeak. They then use the excess to further monopolize and entrench this model.

Comment Re:Some people would like to outlaw the Internet (Score 2) 210

The problem is, they are winning. I have no cable subscription (except business class data, as it is what I need, and all that is available to me).

The more I look, the LESS content is available legally without having a cable sub and piping in valid creds.

Pretty soon (if they haven't already) they will further limit such streaming to IP address known to be the same customers node. To prevent you from using your friends login and not having your own of course, even though it keeps legitimate customers from streaming abroad.

Further, at least with Comcast, business class connections had been exempt from DMCA threat letters. No more. I received my first this month, and it is no mistake as it mentions home or business-class internet in the letter. It apparently does not matter to them that all sorts of random computers connect to my network. In this case, for repair, not as an open WiFi.

Expect things to get worse as they squeeze other players like Netflix out of existence, and splinter different studios, and such into their own separate services. Expect them to get worse as they use their riches to bribe congress/FCC/courts into doing their bidding.

In ye olden times, the buggy whip makers were a weak, splinters force. The media companies of today are the opposite. Financially and politically powerful, with unified goals, and fewer dissonant voices within their ranks (being only a few inbred corporations anymore, this is not hard to achieve).

Comment Oh really? (Score 1) 64

But computer scientist Charlie Catlett said the planners have taken precautions to design their sensors to observe mobile devices and count contact with the signal rather than record the digital address of every device.

That may be how it is designed now, but without (actually enforced) laws about the data collected and the legal uses thereof, tracking phone addresses and individuals is only a firmware update away.

Comment 1994-95 (Score 3, Interesting) 204

Was in school, supposedly the first community college on the internet (ISDN to UVa across town) and we had NeXt workstations. I do not remember if they used X11, but that clued me into Unix. Later that year we wanted to get our gopher and mosaic servers on a better box, so I took an amazing 486DX2 and setup Slackware. There I know I saw X (although it was later removed from the server). IIRC I downloaded the entire set of Slackware discs directly to floppy using FTP from Sunsite the first time and NFS the second from UIUC (after searching hours for open NFS exports in the mirror lists). I did it directly to floppy as I did not have enough HDD space for the files and the currently running OS. I think that was Linux kernel 1.2.10. Am I old?

Comment Not evil.... (Score 1, Insightful) 364

First, as pointed out, it is removed from YouTube, not google search results. This is annoying to the artists, but Youtube belongs to google. They set the terms for you hosting videos there at no cost to you. If the terms are unfair, simply go elsewhere. Perhaps Vimeo. Google is not killing babies or clubbing seals or blackmailing your momma to get you to publish on their streaming service. In fact, I do not know that their streaming service has much share against the likes of iTunes, Amazon, Pandora, Spotify, etc. Many of these companies do not offer good rates either. However, the market will see who wins here, and forcing people over seems like a mistake that will not aid Google's streaming servies in the long run.

Comment Re:What happens if (Score 1) 281

You could not use your ownership of the pool to steal coins. The work done validates transactions. You could double spend, or deny transactions, but to my knowledge not forge them. But I am a crypto currency newb so I may be wrong.

However the cost to even attempt it would be exceedingly prohibitive.

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