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Comment Re:Why isn't public transport 'free'? (Score 1) 198

I'd say there are two main reasons people don't use public transport: it's inconvenient to schedule your transport around someone else's timetable and path, and it's inconvenient to have to carry the correct quantity of cash / make sure a bus card has enough money on it.

3) it's not reliable, for whatever reason (mechanical, strikes, etc)

Comment Re:They should go (Score 1) 198

Yes, but you're missing the crucial point that "No Diesel" is very hard to enforce -- typically diesel commuter cars have only a small badge (if that) to distinguish them from the petrol versions, and the badge is different in appearance and placement between manufacturers and models. By contrast, banning cars based on license plate is very easy to enforce, as they are standard across vehicles and police are already accustomed to inspecting them by habit.

In short, a non-optimal rule that can be enforced is much better than an optimal rule that can't.

It can be enforced by simply requiring a sticker on the windshield saying what kind of car it is and then impounding any car that doesn't have a sticker that matches the motor (or whatever the requirements are) in the car.

Comment Re:Tracking (Score 1) 569

I feel strongly that there is a response in between ignoring anonymous calls, and roaring to the scene in full-on SWAT mode, busting down the door and giving everyone who is unlucky enough to be inside the worst day of their lives.

Yes but the cops do the latter because (a) they can and (b) they need to do somethingto justify all that ex-military shit they bought.

Comment Re:What's missing from this story? (Score 1) 569

Why do Americans automatically accept that kicking the door down and holding everyone at gunpoint is a reasonable response to an anonymous 911 call?

Since we grow up watching it on TV and thinking it's normal.

Don't laugh because your country's kids are watching the same shit now.

Comment Re:SMH! (Score 1) 353

"“When they are 15, you don’t, for example, let them go to pub..."

She's saying that our kids are killing themselves because they aren't drinking enough ... and they're depressed because they know what wanking looks like. You know, I think any kid with a mirror already knows that.

How much time have you spent on Tumblr?

There is so much melodramatic teenage 'dark thought' reinforcement there that I have no trouble at all thinking of the alleys it could lead a young adult down that they wouldn't otherwise be exposed to.

Comment Re:true intentions (Score 1) 43

let's be clear here, the people these corporations work are not looking to thwart cyber attacks, they are looking to thwart cyber attacks against themselves. the rest of us will still be considered their cannon fodder.

Not MIT - they'll be in it for whatever patents come out if the work that they can make money on - presumably by deploying the resulting products / services as widely as possible - and for a fee.

Comment Re:Your justice system is flawed, too. (Score 1) 1081

The first time Hitler tried to seize power in Germany via a coup, he was arrested and used his trial to gain publicity, and rallied a lot of people towards his cause while he was in prison.

Which by the way, 20 people died in his coup attempt, something that would probably have made him eligible for the death penalty in the US (felony-murder doctrine) which had he been executed, it would have averted his eventual reign which itself lead to WWII.

And how many people dangerous to Those In Power would have been framed and killed by now as well?

It's too convenient a tool to get rid of political enemies.

Comment Re:Enlighten me please (Score 1) 450

The typical .11g wireless, the sort found in the vast majority of offices can, under ideal circumstances and at close range, without interference and with only one device connected, just about reach half the capacity of a 100mbit ethernet connection. Or about 5% that of gig-eth.

The typical office user does not require even half of a 100Mbps Ethernet connection.

Comment Re:My two cents... Black Racism is out of Control (Score 1) 606

"When enough blacks are in positions of management to deny white people opportunities because they feel that for arbitrary reasons, they just don't fit in, talk me to death about the social acceptance of black racism"

Have a look at most of the films that are for black people and by black people and have at most the token white in them.

Justice? Fair?

Whatever - it's still racism.

Comment Re:You don't say... (Score 1) 606

I'm not a "Greek", and I never have been or wanted to be, but your characterization of them is not consistent with what I have known.

Neither was I, and I agree to a *small* extent. Mind you, I'm from Arkansas and it was a long time ago, but there were still frats (and sororities) that were, shall we say, a wee bit on the exclusionary side of things, and the exclusions were occasionally based on religion, skin color, ethnic origin...

As for TFA? As much as I myself detest racism and bigotry based on someone's religion/ethnicity/etc... Personally, I think they *should* be allowed to be total asshats about it. Seriously - as long as there's no assualt or other crimes against others, let them chant whatever the hell they want.

I say this for two reasons:

1) College is supposed to be a place where all viewpoints and ideas are explored - even the ugly and stupid ones. Freedom of speech should hold highest priority in such a place.

2) The video (and anything like it) can serve as an example to point at and instruct against; a competent prof can debate the racist activity into the dirt, in a setting that educates everyone else, and (hopefully) teaches the racists in question along the way.

By kicking out the frat charter, you only drive the problem deeper underground... and where is the frickin' benefit in doing that among a body of kids that are going to be naturally rebellious in the first place? You only make it more attractive to such a mindset.

By not kicking out the frat charter you are condoning what was done, implicitly - which the school won't do.

Additionally I think it's an excellent lesson to be learned - being stupid has consequences. If they don't get kicked out, they don't get lesson learned except that they can get away with it.

Comment Re:Here's one (Score 1) 348

Yes, exactly. So why don't the employers understand that? I mean, I have had my hands on 20 different technologies over the last 25 years of my career. The fact that I don't know their special inhouse purpose built software package should not be held against me because it is "just a tool", right?

They don't want to hire you. They have written the requirement specifically so that you, and other highly qualified, highly paid local resource, can 'justifiably' not be hired so they can pay half as much for imported labor.

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