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Comment Re:Two quick fixes to mass replicate (Score 1) 234

1. Change the laws that tie public school funding to the number of enrolled students so that schools only take a modest hit if they see a large decrease in the number of students they teach.
2. Abolish compulsory education.

I bet within a decade, you'd even see non-asian minorities' test scores in the inner cities shoot up as 50% of the "students" just walk out and the school waves goodbye.

Sure, plenty of kids and teens would not get educated, but they're probably not get anything now either. You can't make a student that won't learn educated anymore than you can make a morbidly obese person who refuses to eat right healthy. Sometimes society is better off with such people being allowed to make themselves into warnings for others.

It never ceases to amaze, this propensity for moving backwards towards the middle ages.

Comment Re:It only increases accountability (Score 1) 294

Dunno - it's pretty hard to account for why the dude was doing 100+ mph on a 50mph curve.

Oh, I could probably imagine a few scenarios. Probably the most likely being that dispatch told him to make up some time.

Ultimately, the engineer is responsible for the safety of the passengers, but if he chose to obey the speed limit when he was told to get there faster, the fact that he saved all those people will be of little consolation when he gets fired and can't get hired on anywhere else because 1) there isn't anyone else and 2) he disobeyed a direct order from dispatch.

Which argues in favor not only of cameras but of recording conversations between the driver and dispatch.

Comment Re:Surprised those edits weren't reverted (Score 1) 121

I've noticed in the past that most of those white-washing edits, especially when they're done by anonymous IPs, tend to get reverted by registered editors, so that the white-washing isn't that much of an issue.

Unless the reversion takes place after the elections in which case the scumbags have accomplished what they set out to.

Any politically sensitive pages should have editing delays and open review for some time (two weeks?).

Comment Re:Surprised those edits weren't reverted (Score 1) 121

Well, that may be true if an editor gets involved in a protracted edit war with another editor. For anon IPs, such as the ones doing the edits described in the summary, it's trivial to revert the edit, and if anon IPs continue to remove sourced material, the IP addresses tend to get blocked for a few days, or a week, or a month, depending on the individual circumstances surrounding the edit war. An administrator is going to back a registered editor over an anon IP pretty much every time, so there's no danger of getting banned.

Wouldn't it just be easier to build in a delay of all edits from anonymous IPs?

Comment scam (Score 1) 678

This has nothing to do with bringing water to California.

"..if the KickStarter campaign doesn't raise enough money then he will donate whatever that has been collected to a politician who promises..."

The probability of kickstarter providing 30 billion seems....low so the secondary plan must actually be the real plan.

Comment Re:How is this new? (Score 1) 172

Yeah they will, and they do. All that needs to be done is to reshape the bottle, and nobody will be the wiser. This (and watering the product down, it's just like the drug market) is a very common method of making your inflation figures look good.

Nah because if they could've they already would've, to the most possible.

Comment Re:Risk Management (Score 2) 737

According to a CBS article, the US has a policy that no one single person can be in the cockpit alone during a flight. If one of the pilots needs to leave the cockpit, a member of the flight crew will step in until the other pilot returns.

Apparently this is not the case in Europe. Perhaps it will be now.

How unfortunate this happened.

According to the Telegraph:
"[Carsten Spohr, CEO of Lufthansa,] said that in the US there is a rule that a steward remains in the cockpit when a pilot leaves, but that this is not the case in Europe and that he does not think it is necessary to change the procedures, despite the tragedy. "

Penny pinching CEO sticking to the low cost line no matter what.

Comment Re:not necessarily ridiculous (Score 1) 228

Imagine that a nation had a small "clean" nuke that could be delivered with pinpoint precision. At that point it's basically just a more efficient form of high explosive. Why *wouldn't* they use it? (As opposed to tens or hundreds of conventional bombs.)

The issue with nukes is that they're WMDs. If they got to the point where they were no longer WMDs but rather just a very efficient way of blowing up a relatively small area (a single remote military installation, for example) then people are going to use them.

Maybe, maybe not. There could be international law against the use of such weapons and as with any technology, one side not developing such weapons doesn't mean the other side is not going to do so.

Comment Re:How is this new? (Score 1) 172

You're thinking about it all wrong.

You turn it over, half the bottle dumps onto your food. You have to buy twice as much. Effectively they can increase food waste, and therefore sales, under the guise of environmentalism. Sure, we'll help you get every last drop ... just all at once.

I know the last thing my wife wants is for me to have the mustard come out of the bottle any faster. I always end up with far too much as it is. ;-)

If the ketchup came out faster we'd be doomed.

My favorite are the hand wash products that when you give a push the gel shoots right out over your hand, missing it completely.

In second place are the shower products with holes big enough that you just can not get a small quantity out.

Comment Re:How is this new? (Score 1) 172

There is absolutely no incentive for Heinz to put this into their bottles. This means people will spend less on average on ketchup per year since they can get every last bit out of the bottle. I know it may not seem like much, but multiply it by millions of bottles sold and it adds up to a hefty hit on their bottom line.

And thus a need for...regulation.

And for all you who think that the free market works well without government intervention- enjoy your wasted ketchup (or whatever) because this ain't never gonna happen wi'out no reg-u-la-shun.

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