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Comment Re:DHS was never about Homeland Security (Score 1) 357

On the bright side we have another example of how expensive and incompetent the government is at doing a straightforward task. I'm not saying that the private sector would be more competent, but they sure would be cheaper.

That depends on whether or not the Feds were going to pick up the bill or not. If the Feds are paying, the private sector will make sure they get every dime they can.

Comment Re:Fairly simple (Score 1) 278

that last time I went to the courthouse, I had a seat belt cutter/glass breaker on my keychain. The guards confiscated it because "it had a blade". Yeah, a blade surrounded by enough metal and plastic such that the only thing that one could really cut with it would need to be less than 1/4" thick and flat. I'm sure the people in the traffic court were relieved such a dangerous tool was caught at the door. Sheesh.

Comment Re:Similar to choosing an OS (Score 1) 146

Hunting of these animals brings in money and meat for these communities, so they will protect the animals from poachers. That is why the areas that allow hunting are experiencing population growth for these animals (as opposed to where it is banned and the animals are considered to be pests by the people who live there). http://www.campfirezimbabwe.or...

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