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Comment Re:Much as I despise trolls (Score 1) 489

Then you're not exactly a rational being; you're just a barbarian.


Hopefully you get thrown in jail/fined, and hopefully you learn your lesson.

And then it goes off the rails, calling for vengeance.

Statists are just one ladder rung up from barbarians, painting a thin veneer of excuses over group-backed violence. Take the next few steps and learn about peace-based alternatives! It's the means, not the ends, that determine whether an act is just - this can be easily proven with reason.

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." - MK Gandhi

Comment Re: I don't follow (Score 2) 370

That's always a problem with translations. Equivalent words or phrases in different languages take up different amounts of space. You almost always have to provide a different layout for a different language, unless you start out with ginormous buttons that can accommodate all languages.

Comment Re: I don't follow (Score 4, Informative) 370

It's general knowledge in typography that Helvetica is the most legible typeface. Low-resolution devices present challenges that keep that from being true, so adaptations had to be made.

Of course, pretty soon if you want security updates you'll have to accept Helvetica, even on your low-resolution device. But you should stop being such a loser with a three-year-old computer and give Apple some more money.

Maybe they'll have "Mac Mode" ready for the iPhone by then.

Comment Re:And meanwhile (Score 2) 86

Yes, many of India's people are impoverished. That condition has existed for thousands of years. Instead, look at the rate at which India has been lifting her people out of poverty. Forty years ago, less than 5% were wealthy, and she had virtually no middle class. Today, about a third of the people are middle class or wealthier. That means that about 400,000,000 people are a whole lot better off than their grandparents.

They won't ever be able to eradicate poverty with the signing of a law, or with a "government cheese" kind of program. Instead, they know it takes a long time, and a strong competitive nation to provide her citizens with opportunities to lift themselves up. India has not been squandering her new independence. It's not perfect, it's not corruption-free, it's not smooth, and it's not fast. But what they have done in the last few decades has been nothing short of amazing.

Comment Re:GPS (Score 2) 86

I think we can safely assume that since Indian engineers are designing and building the chips they'll be using in their own system, it would certainly be possible for them to build their own GPS receivers that aren't subject to the American munitions export restrictions on velocity and altitude. They are doing this strictly for independence from all foreign influences.

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A quarrel is quickly settled when deserted by one party; there is no battle unless there be two. -- Seneca
