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Comment Re:The real crime here (Score 0) 465

This is, in a nutshell, why EVERYONE should be a Libertarian. Society cannot have an increasing Authoritarian Governance, simply because we want people to behave in ways that aren't part of the natural order of a society.

That being said, in this case, the person wasn't just sharing video, he was knowingly, and willingly AND willfully breaking the law. I have no sympathy.

Comment Scum of the earth (Score 3, Insightful) 441

The vast, vast majority of tech engineers that I talked to who are from the United States are very supportive of bringing in people from other countries because they want to work with the very best."

He's right, I have said that. Of course, I always follow it with "but only if they have unrestricted visas that give them the same freedom I have to shop the market and work for whomever they want", and I suspect everyone he's talked to (presuming he isn't making it up) have said something similar.

Because when the best of the best make $200k a year, it kicks the wind of out the whiners who complain about the the average programmer salary. But when they work for $80k and they can't switch jobs, that depresses my salary, and that is precisely why lying fuckwits like Joe Green and Mark Zuckerberg want to bring them here.

Comment Re:2 GB of RAM (Score 1) 215

The complain, specifically, I was addressing was price. $800 is not $600 is not $349. The complaint I was addressing was the inadequate specifications of the low-end Microsoft device using 2 GB ram when newer cellphones are coming with more, standard.

Chromebooks are between 200-300 for units that have 2GB ram. While the screen size is bigger, they aren't as portable or connected as Cell Phones. Trade offs for price / quality / performance.

The over all point is that Microsoft is being squeezed at both ends, out of the Windows World in to the Cloud / whocareswhatdeviceyouhave world. They cannot compete in all areas all the time, without compromising something. And right now, Microsoft is eating itself trying to compete in places it wasn't built to compete with.

The long term prospects for MS at this point are grim. They have lost market dominance of computing devices to Android and iDevices .And while they still dominate Desktop / Enterprise world, they have lost the mobile arena.

Comment Re:Ethernet still the best (Score 1) 260

It still raises the question of exactly what you plan to do data-wise that will require 40Gbit Ethernet. While I admit nobody knows what the future holds, we can make reasonable extrapolations. Word and Excel documents aren't going to magically ballon in size. It's highly unlikely you run a 100TB database on your home server. MP3's and even FLAC audio files aren't magically growing in size, and even some new fangled HD audio format an order of magnitude bigger wouldn't stress GigE. Your Internet connection isn't going to be 40Gbit anytime soon (and even if it was, your ISP is unlikely to provide an upstream link that isn't woefully oversubscribed). Netflix 4K streaming already works fine over typical 20Mbit Internet service. And as I stated in earlier posts, even Blu-ray's, which are the higest definition standard media currently available for sale (with no real successor in sight) peak at 40Mbit/sec with average bitrates well below that.

The only conceivable thing that's even remotely close to logical would be uncompressed 4k video editing. And most people do that off high-speed local storage array or, if you're a big boy, a Fibre Channel array. If you've got the need for a FC array at home...well, my hat's off to you. You're unique.

Comment Re:Ethernet still the best (Score 2) 260

Seriously, unless you plan on having the need to stream uncompressed 4K video to every corner of your house, Cat6A is ridiculous overkill. The average Blu-ray video stream is well under 40Mbit/sec, and that's decent HD for almost anyone. 4K could maybe quadruple that (depends on codec) but you STILL have plenty of bandwidth for something like that in plain Gigabit Ethernet. Hell, you could put perhaps 6-8 4K streams on GigE and still be fine.

And there's really no logic in trying to future-proof your home network for something that's not going to be remotely affordable until maybe 10 years from now (have you priced 10Gbit gear lately???). In that time frame, lots of things can and will change and the likelihood of you still wanting AND being able to use that Cat6A for its original purpose is dubious.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 748

No, I think it's more that these people have always been here, but the last couple of years has seen a) the flourishing of the disgusting "Men's Rights" movement, b) more talk about sexism in the tech industry, which has lead to c) more articles about the subject here, and thus more arguments about it. In almost 15 years here I don't think the demographic has changed very much at all - there's a wider age range and it's more international, but fundamentally it's the same sort of audience. The site just has more articles on topics where this sort of thing comes up.

The rampant sexism seen in a lot of these articles is pretty depressing though.

Comment And I want... (Score 1) 727

And I want a week long orgy with the Victoria's Secret supermodels, but I'm intelligent to know the likelihood of that happening is pretty damned small. Linus should be exhorbitantly happy Linux has made the inroads it has in the server and mobile markets. Desktop, if it ever does follow, will probably not resemble "desktop" as we now know it.

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