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Comment Re:after the fact permission mods (Score 1) 249

Xposed Framework + XPrivacy. It breaks out ALL permissions under the main groups and each is selectable per app. In most cases, denying permission will provide fake / empty data so that app functionality is maintained. It lists ALL permissions and marks the app's requested ones so you know what it wants to use.

Best yet, it has a sort of permissions tripwire - a usage log shows you when an app has tried to use a blocked permission. In very rare cases, I've seen apps call permissions they didn't explicitly request up front.

Pretty much every app on my phone (and I don't install many) is denied accounts, contacts, location, sensors, phone ident, and web access. If an app force-closes under this template, I check the usage log and decide if I want to allow the failed permissions until the app works. I can either groan and take it or uninstall and look for a better behaved alternative.

Comment Re:This argument led to software licenses (Score 2) 79

Ah, the amazingly useful Borland "Like a Book" license. As I recall, you could install to your heart's content (possibly limited to your own household or business), subject to the agreement only one person can "borrow the book" at any given time. They didn't manage this with technological measures, just the good ol' fashioned honor system.

Comment Re:Is this HIPAA data? (Score 1) 62

(Obligatory IANAL here, however I do work in healthcare)

So far as I understand HIPAA, you can voluntarily disclose all the protected health info you want. Got diagnosed with something awful and can't help updating your Facebook status? That's perfectly legal. And your interactions with your phone don't constitute any kind of healthcare relationship (yet) so I don't see the legal angle on Samsung doing something with the data. I have to assume using the app requires agreement to share the data.

That said, I'd love to see more and better medical monitoring tech in phone accessories. As mentioned below by mythosaz, wellcare almost always costs less than illness care. And that doesn't even take into account the personal costs of time to see the doc, missed work, lowered quality of life, etc.

Comment Re:Next target, please (Score 1) 626

Oh no! I've hurt someone's feelings! On the internet! Remind me to apply for a patent!

Seriously tho', biodegradeable? Sure, if they dissolved within days or so *maybe*. But they don't. And why should I have to pick inconsiderate smokers' trash out of my yard? Or out of my car's radiator?

Trash is trash and butts lying all over the roadways and down the sides of buildings is bad and just uncivilised. But "people" who smoke at children's parks and leave the butts in the play area are the ones who need to be flushed.

I never *once* called for a ban on smoking, or for higher tariffs. Just that people be decent and clean up their *own* messes!

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