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Comment Re:Workflow Issues (Score 3, Informative) 75

One thing that immediately jumped out is the archaic (i.e. 1980's) method of drawing a straight line. In Gimp, this is super-easy...the last place you were drawing is where the origin of a straight line is. In Krita, it looks like you're stuck having to do it the old-fashioned way of dragging the line from one point to another

I'm guessing this is what you're looking for?

Comment Re:Because... (Score 4, Insightful) 794

The left is just as full of religious whackos as the right is.

Ding ding ding! I've been snickering quietly to myself about the recent spate of right-wing editorial authors discussing how liberals are trying to eliminate "intellectual diversity". Amazingly, these authors have discovered fundamentalist liberals, and the fundamentalist liberals discovered "purity tests" and "with us or against us" and somehow the right-wing editorialists just don't see the connection, probably because they were blinded to it when it was their side doing it.

As for the rest of us non-fundamentalists, I don't buy into the homeopathy mumbo-jumbo either.

Comment Re:IDEs are good. UI builders are bad. (Score 1) 627

focused too much on graphical UI builders that produced brittle, often subtly buggy UIs

That's funny, back in the day UI libraries were brittle, often subtly buggy. See also: every dialog box form ever, when you try to use it on a Netbook with a 600 pixel high screen and the UI fails to implement some form of scrolling.

Comment Re:Long-term loss (Score 2) 520

How does moving 15Mbps of data across the internet fit in the open nature of the internet?

That's how it fits in the open internet.

Only in the Comcast(tm)-brand Comcastic(tm) Processed Internet Spread does it matter what's in those 15Mbps.

Why should Netflix free-ride

Since you think netflix is getting a free ride, you should have no problem agreeing to pay their bandwidth bill for them, after all it's free! Or are you knowingly lying?

Oh well, the argument is moot. Once AT&T, TWC, and all the other ISPs smell the blood in the water and come for their pound of flesh, Netflix will be done. As a bonus, facebook will probably be next. Followed by Amazon, Google, and everything else that was useful on the internet. Eventually they'll get down to slashdot and each ISP will demand a few million dollars to stop "free riding" on their ISP and we'll be forever free of the scourge of beta.

Comment Re:since when is the FBI a spy agency? (Score 1) 324

I'm quoting the Director of the NSA nearly word for word how the system operates, and how the data is used. If he's lying, then he's on public record and there are Intelligence committees in the US Senate and House which will call him to task for lying to either the public (the news piece I'm quoting from) or them (the House or Senate).

You're talking about James Clapper, right? Here's his words:

To me, collection of U.S. persons’ data would mean taking the book off the shelf and opening it up and reading it And this has to do with of course somewhat of a semantic, perhaps some would say too – too cute by half [definition]. But it is – there are honest differences on the semantics of what, when someone says ‘collection’ to me, that has a specific meaning, which may have a different meaning to [Sen. Wyden].

So you're right, he's not lying, because he gets to make up the meanings of the words he uses, so when he says under oath that the NSA does not "wittingly" collect Americans' data (despite collecting - English as she is spoke - data in the US), he's not lying because all they're doing it is putting it in a book and putting it on the shelf and just not opening the book and reading it, therefore in Bizzaro Clapperverse it is not collected. This despite the fact that the NSA has acknowledged that its powers have been used to spy on lovers. "Accidentally" of course.

Comment Re:Fez (Score 1) 669

I played Sine Mora for a bit on steam, but I suck too hard at it to get anywhere (the foreground parallax in the tunnel stages make it impossible for me to tell when I'm going to hit the walls, so I do. Repeatedly.) and the time mechanic just drives me up the wall (I'd rather something like Hitogata Happa where when time runs out everything goes hardmode and you have 0 lives left to finish the stage).

Comment Re:FTL Faster Than Light (Score 1) 669

I kind of gave up on the current run of rogue "inspired" games. You end up doing the same stuff over and over and you keep losing not because you aren't playing any better, but because the RNG decided to take a shit in your face. NetHack and the like usually gave you enough resources to feel like you could get somewhere (unless you decided to stick to a conduct like illiterate vegan atheist) but the current generation feels like the first three floors are populated with a handful of newts and maybe a rusty dagger, then the 4th floor has an army of mindflayers.

What I've been playing (Steam):
1. Van Helsing: a D2/torchlight clone with a pet ghost that has my sense of humor and is actually useful in battle, though I'm on the fence on whether to recommend to anyone else since it's currently buggy as fuck and every patch has broken as much as it has fixed (last patch broke the tower defense portion of the game: the "towers" don't do anything), and not everyone has a sense of [my] humor.
2. Electronic Super Joy, platformer to get the blood boiling.
3. Exceed 3rd Jade Penetrate Black Package: danmaku shooter that satisfies my need to get a little farther each time (I'm this close to being able to 1CC easy mode... hey, I never said I was good at the game)
4. RingRunner: top-down 2D space shooter with a ton of customization capability. It has someone else's sense of humor so I end up skipping a ton of dialog (peanut butter cups get old).

Comment Re:A few problems... (Score 5, Funny) 149

I think I just started development on the 3rd worst D20 product

*rolls a 1*

Your fingers fumble over the keyboard, striking keys almost under their own accord.

UPDATE customer SET lastname='Jones'

*rolls save vs. WHERE clause... 3*


With horror you look on as you strike a glancing blow to the enter key.

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