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Comment Re:*shrug* (Score 1) 387

except for academia, did the PC/RT even count?

Even in academia, did the PC/RT even count? They sold minimal numbers of the things. The only place I've even ever seen them was in Austin... deep IBM-land.

Comment Re:Meh... (Score 1) 247

The toxins are the problem, not the beads.

And the toxins don't get into some of these organisms without the beads, which is why the beads are a problem. You don't get to pretend the toxins don't exist. Also, the plastics themselves produce toxins when they decompose.

No, only a few toxins are, most notably PCB and mercury compounds.

These are the bioaccumulative compounds of primary concern, you are full of shit as there are plenty more.

Comment Re:Not likely. (Score 1) 170

Yes, if people are interested they will of course dig into the matter and learn things, but there is no longer a need.

The so-called "maker movement" shows us where the interest comes from: the fringe that wants what isn't already available in the mainstream. If you want something that doesn't already exist, then you can assemble it from other devices. The focus has just moved again. Now it's easy and cost-effective for people to do hardware projects without being EEs by just buying modules off the shelf and hooking them up with jumper wires.

Comment Re:Yes to Brexit (Score 3, Insightful) 396

The trouble with that argument is that it relies on the stronger members having enough economic power to actually do that. It is far from clear that this is currently the case, with the expansion of the EU in recent years to include many far less economically advanced member states

The problem with that argument is that the economic condition enjoyed by the stronger nations is built upon the exploitation of the poorer ones. You don't get to complain about how poorly someone is doing at treading water while you step on their head.

Comment Re:*shrug* (Score 1) 387

Windows 3.x was everywhere basically overnight, the whole goddamn PC world went from DOS to Windows 3.x. You may not have thought it was much of an OS, and you were right in that case, but it still took over.

Comment Re:EA never understood the SimCity Market... (Score 2) 86

I do not want a real challenge, because if it was a real fucking challenge I'd be too busy fighting to survive to achieve my ridiculous objective.

I love this sentence so much, I want to slap every hardcore gamer across the face with it from now until eternity. Perhaps I could print it upon a trout.

Comment Re:EA (Score 1) 86

Simcity 4 is dramatically nicer to use than any earlier version of simcity. Also, it's meant to be extensible and there's loads of expansion content available from the community, which is cool. It also ties cities together more meaningfully than earlier versions. Otherwise, yeah, not much difference. Now the down sides, it's unreliable as hell and you have to dick around with command line options just to get it not to crash.

Even without the shitfest that was Simcity V, it was time for someone else to shake up the genre.

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