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Comment the real, actual cause (Score 1) 695

This isn't MTGox's fault, bitcoin's fault, or anything else you're probably thinking. The originator of this problem is the fact that open source coders did a crap job again. The volunteers who wrote the major exchange bitcoin base code left in a HUGE vulnerability that was so blatantly obvious, a kindergartner could have spotted it. Don't use non-unique values for a transaction ID in a financial system! Welcome to database coding 101. It was careless and not reviewed just like a bunch of other open source code.

So never forget that MTGox was killed by careless open source programming volunteers.

Comment backwards much? (Score 0) 606

A ton of these companies' employees live in the suburbs! I've never in my life heard of an employee living in the city and commuting out of it to a suburb to go to work at a mega corporation. They live in the suburbs! It's a shorter drive with less traffic! What kind of idiot would live in some dumpy, crime infested, noisy, overpriced city with no parking when their work is outside the city? That is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've heard today.

Yeah, Google should move to the inner city so their employees can drive an hour each way and stop at 50 stop lights on the way to work while enjoying such lovely sights as abandoned buildings and homeless people. And make sure you park your Lexus in the middle of the worst neighborhood regularly every single workday. That's safe.

Comment Re:it's not that slow (Score 1) 513

And No, your VOIP should not have QOS priority over my downloading a debian DVD.

Of course it should. VOIP is time sensitive, your iso download is not. There is a debate to be had over whether that QOS should come with an extra charge, but it should absolutely be an option. And VOIP is pretty low bandwidth, giving it priority over your download is probably going to make the difference between getting your iso in 10 minutes 53 seconds VS. 10 minutes 57 seconds.... Not really enough for anyone to throw a fit over....

The real problem is last-mile providers being monopoly providers, therefore so stingy in making prudent upgrades to the infrastructure that everything is constantly pushed so close to the limits that stuff like this start to make a noticeable difference. On an intelligently designed and provisioned network, time-sensitive traffic could be given all the QOS priority it needs without you every noticing a difference.

Comment Re:it's not that slow (Score 1) 513

My friends have lots of pictures and videos of their kids.

Ahhh.... So you're one of those.... People who think it's more important to create a record of life than to actually live it.

You're missing out on a lot. I feel bad for you.

Comment Re:Stranger danger hysteria (Score 1) 513

All of your points are invalid.

The practicality of that depends on the weather, whether the streets between where you live and the nearest public park have sidewalks, and crime levels in your neighborhood. A lot of parents are unwilling to let their kids play outside due to stranger danger hysteria.

If you have kids and live in a neighborhood where crime level is a factor in whether you can let them go outside during daylight hours, perhaps you need to re-examine your priorities. If you by into the "stranger danger" hysteria, perhaps you need to wake up. Yes, shit happens, but if you live in a generally safe location, the risk is low. If you don't live in a generally safe location, then you're just stupid.

The practicality of that depends on whether you happen to live within walking distance of a public library branch.

No. Get a tablet. Install the various e-book apps. Kindle, Nook, etc... Pretty much every book ever published is available. 5 minutes logged in to the free WiFi at a McDonalds would let you download enough books to satisfy your reading needs for a month. Also, why walking distance? Most people have to drive to get around, and those who don't tend to live in places with very good public transportation.

In order to determine in which direction to take my next post, I'd like to know this: Do you consider people who play video games likewise "couch potatoes"? A game download can be several GB.

Of course they are. Duh...

Comment Re:The tradgedy of the comms (Score 0) 513

That's why I'd be happy to pay more taxes for a government provided infrastructure

That's the part of your comment that makes no sense.

Government at all levels already extracts way more than enough tax money from us. There's no need for more.

The way to make funds available for worthwhile projects is to eliminate wasteful ones, and competently manage the substantial funds they already have to work with. Until that is done, there is NO acceptable reason for anyone paying more taxes than we already do.

Comment Re:Because 'Murica! (Score 2) 146

If you can kill the same 10 million people with a smaller bomb and a more accurate missile

Making your weapon smaller and more accurate DOES make it less scary.

Violence is scary. Random, indiscriminate violence is more scary.

I would counter your argument with the suggestion that a ridiculously large, but clumsily inaccurate weapon is far more scary than a weapon that only hits its intended targets.

If all I have are precision weapons, then all you need to do to be safe is make sure not to piss me off. If I have extremely powerful weapons with "unreliable" targeting, then it might be in your best interest to also put pressure on your neighbor to not piss me off.

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