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Comment running it (Score 5, Interesting) 92

I installed it on my Nexus S several hours ago. I prefer the pure Google experience and don't like to mess with other ROMS, and it was quite an easy install.

ICS is much better than GB. Smoother scrolling, more polished and true multitasking. Music stays running even when paused, and Navigation stays in the background much better... still exploring, but this is everything I wanted from my Nexus S.

Comment Re:Bonus time. (Score 1) 224

That is because top CEO positions are quite rare and difficult.

This is the free market at work, and is a corollary of individual freedom.

Where you should direct your ire, is at large gov entities: Freddie/Fannie, Fed Res, IRS, DHS, DOD, etc. Those are the leeches destroying our economy.

Not CEOs.

Comment Re:Startup time is not a useful metric (Score 1) 242

You all sounds like a bunch of computer nazis. How about the rest of us reboot our computers as often as we like, and continue to place importance on this metric.

I know Fedora and Debian both consider it. Does that upset you? Does that clash with your world view?

(posted from a freshly booted computer... it's extra snappy!)

Comment Re:He's living a fantasy (Score 1, Interesting) 2247

By your logic, since society is becoming increasingly "complex" we should have more and more government involvement (tax). I disagree. I don't think government should continue to increase in size. I don't think forcing people to pay for programs "for their own good" is sustainable.

Governments *will* shrink. (See Greece) Do you want to do it the easy way or the hard way?

Comment Re:Everyone's first answer is wrong (Score 1) 515

Another reason we can not have nukes, is that I think the 2nd Amendment intends us to have weapons common to the militia man/soldier. That is we should have ready access to same weapons used by Army Rangers, Navy Seals, Marines, etc.

So 50BMG M2 is protected (though currently laws violate the 2nd), while a bomb is not.

Comment Re:More Good Money After Bad! (Score 4, Informative) 123

Reading NASA's website, it sounds like the microshutters have already been developed and shipped


"The assemblies have passed a series of critical reviews, which include programmable 2-D addressing, life tests, optical contrast tests, and environmental tests, required by the design specifications of JWST."

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