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Comment Re:Also, I have an idea: make murder illegal! (Score 1) 318

Either nobody likes my sense of humor or whoosh. Or both I guess.

I'll just spell it out:

After they pass this law, they should also make it illegal to commit murder. Think of all the lives that will be saved when murders stop happening!

Translation: you can pass a law banning something, but the law can't magically remove that something from the world. Murder is already illegal yet we still have murders. If a law is passed requiring web sites to memory-hole things that under-18 people posted when those people turn 18, that doesn't mean that the memory-holed things will be gone from the Internet.

The Internet is forever. Once something has been posted, it's not possible to undo that.

Also, they should totally add Barbara Streisand to the law.

For those of you who didn't click the link, this was a reference to the "Streisand Effect", where demanding that something be removed from the Internet results in more attention and fame for the removed materials. Nobody really cared about the photo of Streisand's house until she tried to have the photo suppressed; after she tried that, hundreds of thousands of people looked at the photo.

Thus, not only is it impossible to remove things from the Internet, but the attempt is likely to backfire and make things worse.

P.S. Slashdot needs a "-1, Not funny" moderation. I presume that's what the "overrated" meant on my post.

Comment Re:User scripts FTW (Score 1) 6

I'm not comfortable with what you wrote (yet). The easy route for me--right now--is to keep doing it the way that i know. I wonder though, which method works in more browsers (and versions) that support scripting?

Right now, i want to add a Home button to Memrise after a course review (maybe even during a review) or learning session. The top bar changes and it takes extra clicks to get home, even when the session is over.

(Source not shown to do "Filter error: Please use fewer 'junk' characters." And to think, /. used to be for geeks.)

So, the easy way out might be:

var review = document.getElementById('gardening-area');
review....= (add button here) + review.....;

What would you do?

Comment Re:Well if... (Score 1) 8

I'm suggesting the GOP elite, indeed, is pretty much the caricature painted by the Left.

This country needs a Conservative party, as a kind of hospice, where that philosophy can go while it lives out its dying days here.

Well, that's kind of morose.

Comment Well, let's see. . . (Score 1) 5

Being a decent parent,
Serving in the military and making the ultimate sacrifice,
Forgiving other people when they are having a day,
. . .we've just got to pry your eyes and get you past the hero worship, is all.

Comment Re:The argument is "leaky" at best too (Score 1) 195

Not materially different from your immune system killing off the weaker individuals. A few stronger individuals may survive, and then what has your immune system done? Selected for a stronger pathogen.

I remember a paper from a few years ago which concluded that this was basically how we wound up with deadly diseases in the first place -- being the ones that throughout history have managed to be stronger than the host's immune system.

Vaccine simply cuts out the stage where lots and lots of hosts get sick or die.

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