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Comment Re:Valve needs to use their clout (Score 1) 309

What "base case"? Plugging an external monitor into a laptop is not a rare, niche application, it's a common thing for people with monitors to do. In fact, it's an absolute necessity for anyone who works at a corporate job: you have to be able to take your laptop into a conference room and plug in a VGA or HDMI cable so you can use the room's projector. For home use, it's not uncommon for people to plug their big-screen TV into their laptop.

Intel hardware works just fine unless you're playing high-end games. For things like watching video (which includes hardware decoding), and for not-so-high-end games, it's perfectly adequate, plus it has lower power consumption than external GPUs, which is a very important thing on a laptop.

Comment Re:Segways are awesome (Score 0) 134

If you're having problems walking around, you really should see a doctor. That isn't normal unless you're elderly (80+). Just look at Harrison Ford; he's in his 70s and still in great shape. Not exercising isn't going to help anything.

You might also want to see a podiatrist and make sure your footwear is keeping your legs aligned properly.

Comment Re:Valve needs to use their clout (Score 1) 309

No, Linux gaming is not absolutely dependent on open-source drivers. However, open-source drivers work much better on Linux systems than proprietary drivers; the proprietary ones usually take extra work to install, they break on updates, etc. The Linux desktop ecosystem just isn't set up very well for proprietary drivers (by design).

Comment Re: We lucked out (Score 3, Insightful) 118

No, he's absolutely right. It doesn't matter if her examples have been debunked or not, or if they've been completely made up. What people believe is what's important, not objective reality, and people's beliefs are shaped by things like media coverage on the harassment she received. So basically, the harassment made everyone take her side, even though she may be (according to you) wrong. If she hadn't been harassed that way, and the critics focused only on the facts, this probably wouldn't have turned out this way.

Comment Re:Valve needs to use their clout (Score 0) 309

not same inteligent person (only low-IQ people would share their private data with Slashdot or Facebook, and have account on those sites)

You're an idiot. Slashdot doesn't know anything about me besides my handle. All anyone knows about "Grishnakh" is that he's an orc captain who was stepped on by an ent.

Comment Re:Basement-dwelling Introverts (Score 1) 137

This is exactly right: only send introverts. They're generally happy with small groups of familiar people anyway, and don't need lots of socialization.

On top of that, make the mission bigger. Have at least a dozen people, or even 20, and that really should be plenty of interaction to keep everyone happy. If you can't afford to build the ship big enough for 20 people, you can't afford the mission.

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