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Journal Journal: Letter to Congress regarding Iraq 2

Most Honorable Sir;

I opposed the Iraq war in its beginning. I have always felt that we need to have a responsible exit strategy, and that we need to be out as soon as possible. I think that the lack of WMD's in Iraq has vindicated my initial view, as Iraq today has become everything (with the exception of a nuclear threat) that Bush argued it was before we went in. It is now becoming clear that an American withdrawal from Iraq is inevitable in the near future.


AMD Aims At New Standard for Motherboards 156

alexwcovington writes "CBC reports that AMD is launching DTX, a new motherboard layout about the size of micro-ATX. Their goal is to provide a small, energy efficient board that's compatible with as much hardware as possible. In the DTX, they're hoping to produce a new standard for desktops, and somewhat reverse the decline in consumer interest. From the article: 'Most desktops still have motherboards that operate using a standard laid out in 1995 by Intel called ATX, which stands for Advanced Technology Extended. ATX was designed to allow everything from memory cards to mouse ports to have a standardized spot alongside the central processing unit on a typical desktop motherboard. While there have been other standards since, ATX remains the most common standard for desktops, though its design is not suited for smaller, more energy-efficient desktops, AMD said.' Ars Technica has further details on the board."
The Media


Carol Zimmerman writes: "January 13th is
Free The Border Patrol Day
Join us and patriots around the nation as we protest the persecution of
Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos & Jose Compean
WHERE: Dirksen Federal Building, 219 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago
WHEN: Saturday, January 13th, 11a.m. to 1p.m.
The Chicago Minuteman Project, Minutemen Midwest, and Illinois & Indiana FIRE Coalition will join patriots around the country to answer the call from...
The American Freedom Riders and Friends
Protest The The Amnesty Agenda of President George Bush
And The Malicious Prosecution of Agents Ramos and Compean
For Protecting America's Borders
No Amnesty
Enforce Our Laws
Secure Our Borders
Free Agents Ramos and Compean

For more information, please contact:
Rick Biesada — Telephone: 773-771-3927

Carol Zimmerman
Project Coordinator MinnSir
Member Wake Up America USA"

Submission + - Optaros Report Catalogs 250+ Open Source Projects

mvance writes: "The Creative Commons blog recently linked to an Open Source Catalogue 2007 report prepared by a company called Optaros. The report includes a fairly comprehensive catalog and evaluation of over 250 open source projects, with an eye toward enterprise deployment. For anyone needing to evaluate or compare open source software options, the report is a great starting point.
There are many guides and catalogs for open source business software online and doubtless there are things to quibble with about Optaros' take, but having a fairly comprehensive catalog in a nice looking 45 page PDF may come in handy at IT departments worldwide. Handier still, the CC license allows customization so long as credit is given to Optaros.

Is DRM Intrinsically Distasteful? 631

jelton writes "If digital media was available for sale at a reasonable price, but subject to a DRM scheme that allowed full legitimate usage (format shifting, time shifting, playback on different devices, etc.) and only blocked illicit usage (illegal copying), would you support the usage of such a DRM scheme? Especially if it meant a wealth of readily available compatible devices? In other words, if you object to DRM schemes, is your objection based on principled or practical concerns?"

Submission + - The Power of the Hack

narramissic writes: "In the world of business software, vendors routinely offer tools to help developers customize applications. Not so in the consumer space, where TiVo and Xbox are notable exceptions. This article offers and interesting look at what companies have to gain — and lose — by embracing the hacker community."

Submission + - Microsoft Vista not so Beautiful after all...

njkid1 writes: "Microsoft has trumpeted the benefits of its upcoming Windows Vista release (combined with DirectX 10) to the gaming community, but in the casual games space some developers remain wary of the new Windows. Wild Tangent, PopCap and others chime in.http://biz.gamedaily.com/industry/feature/?id=1 4952&ncid=AOLGAM000500000000012"
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Hello AT&T, Goodbye Cingular

Anonymous Coward writes: "From the Article "The Cingular name will start to disappear on Monday, when the AT&T brand will once again describe a mobile offering in the U.S. The move will have a tangental effect on Apple's nascent plans to get into the mobile phone business. Earlier this week, in unveiling its new iPhone, Apple announced that Cingular would be the exclusive U.S. carrier for the smartphone. Cingular CEO Stan Sigman appeared onstage with Steve Jobs during the Apple CEO's Macworld Expo keynote." And "As a result of a series of mergers and acquisitions, the AT&T brand on a wireless service was recently killed off, only to now be revived."

The article is done by Macworld,, and they have some good keypoints as to how this merger will effect Apple and their release of the new iPhone. Apparently all this name flipflopping is causing more than a bit of confusion with all their customers."

Submission + - Google Exploit Allows Account HiJacking

Rub3X writes: "To execute the attack, the victim needs to be logged in to a Google service, and visit a specially crafted page. The page in question is on a Google sub domain, so it does look legitimate. A proof of concept page was set up to verify the claims, and successfully tested on a user of the Google services in question. With this attack you can: Get in to Google Docs and Spreadsheets application and read and modify documents saved there, Read subjects from GMail, including part of the first sentence, Access the personalized homepage, View Google Accounts page, Enter Google Reader, Read your private Google Notebook, View my complete Google search history if search history feature is enabled."

Submission + - State of the Union Website Analyzes and Visualizes

azalea666 writes: "http://stateoftheunion.onetwothree.net/

The launch of Brad Borevitz's State of the Union website anticipates the 2007 State of the Union address scheduled to be delivered to Congress and the American people by George W. Bush on January 23rd.

Lamenting the triumph of iconicity over rhetoricity, Borevitz describes the gradual changes in political speech from argument to brand. The project asks us to consider if evidence for this assertion exists in the language of the State of the Union address which stands as a controlled sample of political speech over the course of U.S. history.

State of the Union provides searchable access to the corpus of all the State of the Union addresses from 1790 to 2007. Using visualization software, the site allows a user to explore how specific words gain and lose prominence over time, and to link to information on the historical context for their use. State of the Union focuses on the relationship between individual addresses as compared to the entire collection of addresses, highlighting what is different about the selected document. From this information, users are invited to try and understand the connection between politics and language-between the state we are in, and the language which names it and calls it into being."

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