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Comment Re: Drone It (Score 1) 843

Vietnam was a failure because we backed the French in the first place with no incentive on our part, thus breaking the first rule of warfare. Namely, never back the French when led by Frenchmen. Corsicans and women are acceptable. Well, that and because we allowed PR to influence the course of the entire war.

Comment Re:If you're using GPL code, you have no choice (Score 2) 171

It still wouldn't matter. The other authors can license any way they want as long as it is compatible with your license. In the case of the GPL they can release their software as later version and still push back to your project under your version. You can take your code and release it proprietary and gpl at the same time because it's your code.


To Learn (Or Not Learn) JQuery 126

Nerval's Lobster writes: jQuery isn't without its controversies, and some developers distrust its use in larger projects because (some say) it ultimately leads to breakage-prone code that's harder to maintain. But given its prevalence, jQuery is probably essential to know, but what are the most important elements to learn in order to become adept-enough at it? Chaining commands, understanding when the document is finished loading (and how to write code that safely accesses elements only after said loading), and learning CSS selectors are all key. The harder part is picking up jQuery's quirks and tricks, of which there are many... but is it worth studying to the point where you know every possible eccentricity?

Comment Re: In other words (Score 1) 305

So, because they said, "We're going to commit treason," before they did it makes it not treason? Sorry, but allowing unilateral opt out of government by any individual or group makes government meaningless. So, saying, "You're not the boss of me!" first doesn't alleviate the charge of treason.

I've got to say, I hate the idea that if you join the US you, it's eternal on pain of death. I'm pretty much universally for the devolution of powers and rights to smaller political entity. Just look at countries ranked on the wellness and happiness scales. People have far greater trust in government institutions in smaller countries.

I believe states should be able to secede, regardless of reason. I'm not saying the southern secession followed a good protocol in deciding when to secede, but I think you would be very surprised if you actually read some of the history of how the transition took place. Think about everything that has to switch over. The federal government was far less monstrous 150 years ago, but courthouses, judges, tax officials, military installations, etc, all had a transition to go through. Many were very straightforward. Courthouse employees came to work one day as US employees, the next as Confederates. IMO, once the secession took place, the view of the north was the treason already occurred.

Short version: treason can be a justified rebellion if the state is committing crimes, it's just treason when done to continue committing crimes.

No, completely wrong. Treason can be justified IF YOU WIN, in which case, it's no longer treason.

Comment Re: In other words (Score 1) 305

Why do you assume that just because I did a poor job at imitating a Southern accent that it was "ebonics?" Frankly, I was trying to use the character Huckleberry Finn's dad as a reference, and apparently mixed things up *shrug*.

That's why I was confused! Perhaps you have never actually talked to someone who has a southern accent?

And why would making fun of someone crying that one state government won't be flying the symbol of those who committed treason in defense of chattel slavery cause you to support said crybaby? I, personally, think that the retailers have gone overboard. I would love for every ignorant f*ck who thinks the South rebelled for any reason other than to maintain its "peculiar institution," and wants to support that banner of savage traitors, to wear it willingly. That way they'll have a nice, big, scarlet letter that will let everyone else know that they're somewhere between ignorant fools and bigoted scum.

You know how you hate southerners and think southern culture is reprehensible? That's why. I don't support statehouses flying confederate flags, but I sure as crap support retailers, ebay sellers, etc, selling them. I remember being disgusted when I read about how Nazi memorabilia or historical items were banned from resale in Germany--history-avoiding pansies. Well, now here we are. In fact we're worse--you can still buy Nazi gear, but mention of a confederate flag is verboten!

History is written by the victors. We know who the victors in the civil war were. By the time of the civil war war, every one of my ancestors had been in the US for at least one generation. I'm fortunate enough to have the diary one of ancestor who participated in Sherman's march to the sea (he was from Ohio). Completely harrowing stuff. On another side, another ancestor fought for the south at Gettysburg (he was from the high mountains of VA/NC area). He lost six brothers in just two days at Gettysburg and was severely wounded. Interestingly enough, not a single ancestor I have tracked down who fought for the confederacy ever owned slaves (at least that I can tell). Most of them are from the mountains, where slavery was never as big. Slavery was the raison d'etre of the civil war for elite on both sides. That's not why the commoners fight. Commoners never fight for the real reason a war is being fought (or rarely, at least), they fight because they are whipped up into some kind of group-fervor. It's clear that even today the northern/southern culture divide exists and is pretty damn pungent.

Comment Re:make-your-own-dildo (Score 4, Informative) 266

They have had kits that do not require a 3d printer for that for a long time now. There are a few different companies offering it. Here are a couple that I know of.

And I there there is a clone a willy kit somewhere but cannot remember the URL for it. All of these options are much cheaper than a 3d printer and you can put vibrators in them as well as glow in the dark colors and even lights. Lots of fun- just don't make a bunch of them and hand them out in the secret Santa at work next year. Trust me, it's not as fun or funny as you might think.

Comment Re:"had to" (Score 1) 268

Anyhow, I do not know if the FCC has an 800 number to call and check for flight restrictions. They should. I kind of assumed they did, actually.

If they do, I don't know about it.

Most of the fun for me was making the replica. It's like building models except they work like the real things. My stuff is a lot smaller but I've seen the larger ones in real life. They have them now with Jet engines and speeds that are unreal for a remote controlled unit. Or if anything, they are way beyond my skill levels. When I was into it enough to spend money, the jets were a pipe dream or electric motor with a prop enclosed in a housing to simulate a jet engine. Now they are a reality and actually burn fuel.

As for mounting a gun, of course that wouldn't be legal but we had some mount flour bombs, open bomb bays and drop bugs (beneficial bugs for pest controls in agriculture). I've heard stories of people mounting home made paintball guns. You could do it but I do not know if the air frame would survive the recoil. You could likely get a POV camera mounted to aim it too with all the new fangled electronics they have now. It sounds like it would be fun to try.

Comment Re:"had to" (Score 1) 268

Even still, do you think it prudent to fly your UAV over a forest fire and add the mayhem?

I wouldn't just because of the chance of losing the plane let along any mayhem it might add to the situation.

here is no such thing as, well they are already at risk and the additional risk is trivial.

I would never say anything like that, my comment was how does someone know. It's a communication thing and despite you thinking it should be obvious, at least three people we know of didn't. Maybe what is needed is an 800 number or website someone can check and possible reminders to check packed into different items with the drone or drone parts.

As for a 4 foot wingspan, I don't have any but I do remember RC planes that large and larger being flown. But these were RC planes and line of sight. I havn't kept up with them and most of my experience was in recreating original planes at scale models that actually fly. I never got into the jet engines though and the larger ones were completely out of my budget. But there is one of the largest planes being flown.

Can you imagine the electronics that could fit into one of these..

Comment Re:How is this news for nerds? (Score 1) 1083

Yes, the old testament where the bible says do something this way which is repeated in the new testament where the same occurs. The bible recognizes outsiders and unfaithful so the fact of it happening outside of religious demands is meaningless when checking to see if the bible allows polygamous marriages. It says to have one man and one women and the two become one.

That defeats the comment that if someone reads a bible, polygamous marriage would have been legal from the beginning. It clearly instructs the Jews and Christians to not participate in it and that it is wrong to do. The fact that it happened is a bit like ignoring what it says.

Comment Re:How is this news for nerds? (Score 1) 1083

No, not really. And besides, if it is a fundamental right guaranteed by the constitution, then any additional legislation should not be a barrier to it. If it was, then it would have been a barrier to gay marriage just the same.

Here we are in a unique circumstance where because of an argument about constitutionality, laws have to be changed and the argument for not changing them to cover the same argument over a different set of people is you would have to change laws. It's like logic is thrown out the window or something.

Comment Re:"had to" (Score 1) 268

Not all fires are fought with air support. Not all fires have 24/7 air support. To say this one at this time would have it because there is a fire is a bit misleading.

Agreed, education is needed and warranted, but I have never- ever- called any civil or military aviation board or the nearest airport or anything when launching model rockets or flying remote controlled airplanes (not the drone type). I have asked people permission to fly on or over their land, but for the most part, it's either my own land or public property. I would have no idea there is a no fly zone that pertained to my small model aircraft or where it might have been. And yes, a 4 foot wingspan is a larger but still small model aircraft. When we get a forest fire in my neck of the woods, they send men in with shovels and heavy equipment and we have firetrucks with four, six and ten wheel drive sending water in. Of course we don't have huge swaths of inaccessible lands in my area as roads are pretty well established.

Comment Re:How is this news for nerds? (Score 1) 1083

lol.. They did not give us a living document that can change with society. That is completely absurd. They gave us a document that society can change as enough of it deems necessary.

If the document was living and changed with society, then the first amendment would have lost it's power a long time ago. Society at one time in numbers larger than those who want gay marriage, wanted to ban Muslims but couldn't even try because of the freedom of religion. In the 1960's, society wanted to bar black Americans from all sorts of things and if the constitution was a living document that changed with society, the amendment passed just 100 years before would have changed to not allow the challenges that eventually gave us the civil rights act. To think, 9 justices with the ability to declare the civil rights act unconstitutional despite the 14th amendment specifically giving congress the power to create law covering it- just because the constitution is a living document and can change with society.

No, it can be amended, but until such time, it's meaning and interpretations are pretty static.

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