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Comment Re:Good deal! (Score 1) 1307

"Abominable Austerity?" Apparently it looks really really good to Tsipiras now.

Until the middle of last week the Tsipiras & their Economy Minister were claiming that everyone when called for the Greeks to respect their word & follow through on the reforms that they promised to implement _years_ ago were fascists. Supposedly, it is sufficient to vote for a populist that claims he can suspend economic realities like a bloated inefficient civil service & almost universal tax fraud for all problems to evaporate. Creditors who refuse to sign yet another blank check for a truant population and a government that does not respect it's word were saddled with #ThisIsACoup.

Tsipiras has now had a taste of the how Greece would fare without continued international support blinked and performed a 180, giving in to conditions that he had rejected previously. I give him credit for more wisdom & less stupid pride than he has displayed up to now, too bad he had to waste months and billions more. It remains to be seen if the rest of the Greek legislators are able to swallow their pride & implement the reforms that condition continued international support. Greece needs unanimous acceptance by the rest of Europe for this third bailout to be effective. Any more of the grandstanding and idiotic positions by the Greeks will cause the votes in the rest of Europe to fail.

So, who is it that has his wires crossed? Me, who has been saying accept the conditions or exit the Euro, Tsipiras who was elected on one agenda & is now following mine or yours which even Tsipiras has renounced?

Comment Re:Citizen of Belgium here (Score 1) 1307

So, it's the Dutch AC's fault for lending money to the Greeks. It's his dirty money that paid the greeks salary & kept the Greek banks solvent. Indeed it's the Dutchman's fault that the Greeks falsified their way into a debtor's pit.

You're not calling for anyone to give anything, you just want the Greeks to never pay back the money they were loaned on condition that it be paid back... Nope that's not asking for anyone to give anything, nope... It's just bare faced theft.

As for cultural programming, apparently for you anyone with capitol needs to be stripped of it so that you and your fellow leftists can find "better" things to do with it -- all this without being able to claim that this spoliation is unjust -- because your cultural programming says so.

You're schizophrenic.

Comment Re:Algorithm (Score 1) 233

So, by placing an ad for a babysitter in a rural newspaper for babysitters in an area where there are no minorities is for you a racist act excluding inner city minority girls. After all by only placing it in a rural newspaper it is targeting only whites...

Word fail me that you are convinced that every act can be considered racist. Hey, you're posting here on slashdot. The majority of readers are white & male. You're sexist & racist!

Comment Re:Algorithm (Score 1) 233

I don't think anyone is implying a sinister causation.

I did. By those who confound a correlation (fewer Google ads for jobs being shown for women) with a causation (SEXISM). The paper's authors have no way to determine the size of the ad pool being displayed to each sex which completely invalidates their conclusion. Being innocent & yet accused of sexism is clearly sinister in my book.

The problem is these tools only comprehend data aggregates and not human beings, and that can be both self-reinforcing and self-limiting. Whether it's Facebook, Google, news sites or whatever, we live in an increasingly strict reality bubble where individuals are simply not exposed to things they're not expected to have an interest in. As we pass more and more control over to automated filtering tools, the more this will be a problem and the less well informed we'll be. It's effectively automated corporate sponsored self-censorship.

Meh, I see no point in having to put up with feminine hygiene product ads & my wife really couldn't care less about ads for network equipment.

Comment Re:Wonderful... (Score 1) 64

What part of Apple being previously unable to work around a client forgetting a recovery key didn't you understand? Apple clearly did NOT have the keys or they would have been able to do something for the forgetful & ambiguous claims that Apple could always work around a lost recovery key are bull. There are claims that there is alien technology in iPhones that feeds on your soul -- do you believe that too?

So, now Apple saves these keys somewhere. While you believe that the only way to get to this info is through Apple's procedures, the point I made that went completely over your head is that the mere existence of this info in a database on an apple server makes it vulnerable & not on an individual level. Social Engineering isn't someone calling Apple support -- It's working on someone that has DBA access to that database. Now that the recovery key is no longer ONLY in our hands we could all wake up one day to learn that someone worked around the safeguards that Apple put into place.

Yes I do trust Apple (up to a certain limit). However, having read into just how RSA & others were hacked, I'd really have preferred that the recovery keys were never saved anywhere other than where I decide.

Comment Wonderful... (Score 5, Insightful) 64

Some random guy in the internet has a hack attempt on his account get blocked by his use of 2 factor ID. Instead of being grateful the guy complains on twitter that he is too busy to have correctly backed the recovery key he was warned he was would have to safeguard.

Clearly, Apple's procedures up to now avoided having the backdoor of saving the recovery key. That was OUR responsibility. Not saving it meant that Apple could NOT be social engineered or hacked into revealing it.

Some random guy complains that "it's not his fault his account was hacked" & that he "deserved" his account back. He eventually finds a screenshot but calls for Apple to change the system to add a backdoor so that they can recover any account they want.

The attack wasn't random guy's fault but it was his fault to not save his recovery key. More importantly, any social engineering or leakage of everybody else's accounts that occur due to Apple backdooring their 2 factor ID WILL be in part his fault. Way to go there, of course your convenience is more important than our security...

Comment Re:Algorithm (Score 5, Interesting) 233

Probably even simpler: There are more ads specifically targeting women (shoes, makeup, etc) than for men making their ad pool larger and thus automatically diminishing the opportunity for ads for of high paying google to be shown.

But of course that won't stop someone with a spreadsheet & a mission from finding a correlation & implying a sinister causation.

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