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Comment Re:Just because... (Score 1) 333

Space-X was rapidly closing on having flight qualified hardware but the fixed launcher contract was expedited so that it could be awarded just before SpaceX qualified.

The Block buy by ULA was explicitly under competitive rules. You don't setup & award a long term contract like that just before a competitor qualifies without people (and the judiciary) realizing it was an abuse of the system. That is just what happened

Comment Re:governement approach can waste money trying (Score 4, Insightful) 333

The traditional launcher companies (Boeing Lockmart ATK etc) have all considered the Nasa budget to be a captive market with Nasa having no choice but to use one of them. Their MO was to raise prices as high as possible to maximize profits & then subcontract most of the fabrication out so that it could be farmed out widely in order to play the pork game.

SpaceX doesn't play by the same rules. They are very heavily vertically integrated & prefer fabricating in-house to farming it out. Yes there will be less support from the porcine section of Congress, but SpaceX is now pretty much the only short term game in town, they are cheaper than the traditional launchers and if recovery keeps going as well as it has so far, will be much cheaper within 2-3 years. Nasa is much more than just a govt subsidy for launchers and congress isn't going to defund Nasa.

SpaceX would be hurt by a nasa slowdown but they are on the cusp of being able to go on even without them.

Comment Re:Waste? (Score 1) 218

Have you paused to consider that this inability of yours to research useful information by yourself, other than through the kindness of strangers here on /. is part of the problem? Your google-foo is deficient & you visibly lack access and/or ambition to use the resources known as libraries. Try working on these points and knowledge & wisdom will come in time.

Comment Re:Waste? (Score 2) 218

How do the Strontium and Cesium go away with reprocessing?

10 seconds of your time would have taken you to where you would have discovered that methods have been devised to separate them out and thus in large part detoxify the remaining waste (given that we should already be recovering the other useful elements).

Comment Re:Again Timothy with the bullshit "stories" (Score 1) 448

It only "goers" over my head if you're a patronizing dweeb. Dropbox's user base is completely mainstream & not just concentrated on basement libertarian/anarchist dwellers. Dropbox is not git you self deluding twit.

It is not I that is wrapped up in politics, it is the fringe of "I'm not anonymous but I wish I had the balls to be one" activists such as yourself that views life through these distorting glasses. Do I know what corporate boards Condi Rice or to pull someone off the opposite side of the spectrum, George Stephanopoulos is on? No. It's not news for nerds & it doesn't matter.

Does it matter to you? Visibly, yes. but other than for a fringe like Timothy it does NOT interest the rest of us who are nerds but are not left wing fringe activists.

Comment Re:Again Timothy with the bullshit "stories" (Score 1) 448

Try using an ipad. You'll find that Beta is being forced upon all ipad users. I've moved to the iPad for most of my web browsing but the /. beta badness means that I don't read /. on it any more. How are you going to react when Beta is forced upon everyone? Will you still be making snide comments about the people that beta has been forced upon? Will you abandon /. like I have on the ipad? Will you explain why you are leaving /. and then abandon it as many are doing?

Or will you appreciate the top notch work that Timothy is doing bringing /. down to a level worthy of digg?

Comment Again Timothy with the bullshit "stories" (Score 0, Troll) 448

News for nerds, stuff that matters... RIP.

Now it's whipping up mobs and abandoning it's historic readership by forcing beta on us. I've already removed /. from my rotation of news sites on my iPad due to beta being forced upon me there. Looks like I'll need to abandon /. on weekends when Timothy is active.

Comment Re:The map is Biased (Score 1) 56

This map had purpose: to try and shame the countries with a free press that perform mass surveillance, but in particular the US & UK.
The map had a form similar to that of the London tube & DC subway.

That the data used to create the map is based on incomplete and false data is more important to most than that you think the form is inaccurate.

Comment Re:The map is Biased (Score 1) 56

Had the map been labeled in chinese or spanish or some other language on a non-english website, you might actually have a comprehensible point. Given that it is labeled in english where the tube map is a recognizable cultural reference point for a significant part of of the population, all that comes across is your distaste of london or the london tube map.

I've never lived in England yet even growing up in the US I recognized the tube map style as distinctive. Your metaphors may be clear to you, but not to others so labeling them as ignorant when it is you that is being obscure is just ego stroking.

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