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Comment Re:Did at least one black vote not to indict? (Score 1) 1128

If I'd been in that jury room, I wouldn't have let that cop get away with it, if I had probable cause.

I am plenty white, and the assertion that I am unable to listen to evidence and come to an impartial decision is ridiculous.

I do not know who made this assertion but it does not seem ridiculous since just a few sentences above you seem to have already have a partial opinion before having heard all of the evidence presented to the jury.

Comment Re:I bet Amazon would love to hire more women. (Score 1) 496

There are more gender issues than pay parity. My comment was in fact about a totally different and unrelated issue to pay parity. The fact that he felt the need to justify why he was not the breadwinner points to the issue of society assuming a male in a relationship be a breadwinner (regardless of what desires each partner has for their life).

Comment Re:I bet Amazon would love to hire more women. (Score 0) 496

My wife and I are both programmers, and she makes pretty much the same money I do (more right now - I was out of the workforce for a while dealing with cancer).

The fact that you feel the need to justify why your wife makes more money than you do illustrates some of the problems we have with gender issues. It should be perfectly normal for a woman to make more than a man.

Comment Re:So close, so far (Score 2) 561

While you are entitled to your own self-loathing, but please count me out of your bogus statistics.

He did. He said half. He never said which half belong to. You can claim his 50% is wrong, but it's clearly a SWAG and he stated so. I don't understand how you can be offended here. If someone told me 50% of men are jerks to women, I'm not going to be offended unless they said 50% of men are jerks to women and I am a man so I must be a jerk to women, but no such claim was made here.

Comment Re:So close, so far (Score 1) 561

I think gstoddart meant "There's so much good toys out there for kinds that unless the child is asking for Barbie, you can skip it altogether", which is what he or she wrote. The implication there is that if the child asks for Barbie, you can't skip it. You seemed to imply that he or she would do all sorts of horrible things to the child and that seems unfair based on what we know of him or her.

Comment Re:Private Links != Paid Priority (Score 1) 258

Yes, because if each user paid for each connection from his computer to another computer, it would be far more expensive than pooling resources and wiring everyone up and routing traffic. It's the same reason I don't have a road only I own and use to go to work, another to go to the store, etc. Roads are pooled and funded differently than a private ISP but the concept is similar.

Comment Re:Marked Paper Ballots FTW (Score 1) 388

Which is a very different thing than government-issued IDs being illegal. Without free, government-issued IDs, voter-ID laws are unfair and the reason I posted my original statement: "The one big problem is that we are not given free government-issued IDs that I am aware of." I did not say why we don't have free, government-issued IDs (I was aware of the reason). I only meant to say that because we don't, voter ID laws are all terribly unfair.

Comment Re:Big deal... (Score 1) 132

Good God, do these people attended school ? It's depressing to hear such stupid statements.

No kidding!

Yeah no shit man. I was typing too fast and an error is always excusable.

It would be far more excusable if Slashdot did not give you a preview of your comment before you commit it. Type as fast as you want, but read what you wrote slower. You'll find your error rate reduced.

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You know, the difference between this company and the Titanic is that the Titanic had paying customers.
