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Comment Re:Too late (Score 1) 156

With sane choices dwindling, I'm starting to ask myself: Is IE really so bad these days? I don't want to use a browser made by an advertising company. Or one being ruined by a bunch of tards.

Spartan is a firefox style rewrite similiar to Firefox from Mozilla a decade ago.

The roles have reversed in the browsers.

Comment Re:Why doesn't Moz acknowledge the market share is (Score 1) 156

Speaking of this as Firefox was Netscape reborn after a complete rewrite ... Spartan is the Firefox of IE a complete rewrite.

IE/trident desperately needs this.

FYI IE was a great browser in the 1990s. Even IE 6 in 2001 had some bugs but was a decent 2000 era compliant and modernbrowser for its time. IE invented CSS, ajax, dynamic html, etc.

It because very buggy, insecure, extremely outdated, and poorly managed FAST last decade and by 2004 it was a POS compared to Opera and Mozilla (pre Firefox).

Spartan is still behind at 2012 levels but man it works well and is fast and has a future if MS keeps adding features into its new base.

Comment Re:Why doesn't Moz acknowledge the market share is (Score 1) 156

Odd I am routing for Spartan not identifying as webkit.

Reason being is if webmasters only see -webkit they will ignore W3C and Firefox will be toast as websites won't look right.

It will be 2004 all over again with a new IE 6. IE and Firefox are the ones fighting which is strange and so opposite of 10 years ago.

Comment Re:No. I disagree. (Score 2) 179

Remember the Star Wars prequels?

I don't blame the population supporting the empire after seeing such darkness, corruption, incompetence, and ineptitude of Republican rule in the galaxy.

They were the bad guys and it is mirroring the us senate today. Shoot! No technological innovations and economic malaise for thousands of years. Under the empire shit got done and the galaxy moved forward. The rebels were the ones killing people. Empire would leave you alone as long as you didn't destabilize or rebel the galaxy. Jedi can be twisted to religious fundamentalism too and supporting an outdated system like Is is does with a caliphate.

Comment Re:Not another new rendering "engine" (Score 1) 122

HTML 5 is too ambitious.

What needs to happen is HTML 5.1, 5.2, etc.

W3C is trying to work this way. Google and Apple have their own organization. Why I welcome some of this I think it is a nightmare to have pictures api, 2 primptives, etc. It is like they want a visual studio + macromedia shockwave experience.

Just crazy for a web browser. It should focus on content and use special tools like codecs for particular jobs. WebGL should be doing the 2d primptives as an example right?

Comment Re:Caught up to Chrome 20 from 2012 (Score 1) 122

It is frustrating.

Here is a flip side? How would you like to write apps (assuming you are a developer) or shell scripts (if you are an admin) which are source compatible with Solaris 9, 10, 11, Linux (from 2006 - present), AIX, and same with c++? Talk about a nightmare!

IE is an extreme in the other direction and holds back developers 10 years. IN the good old days of the 1990s we had rapid growth and skillsets. If your browser was a year old forget it!

Then the pointed hair bosses started using it for mission critical apps written for IE 5.5 and IE 6. Then it became "Don't alienate customers! You wouldn't open a store and tell 1 out of 10 customers to leave would you! " So the changes on the web you see now are 10 years old from 1998 standards! IE 6 forced you to have an inferior web experience on Linux because PHB's said develop for everyone.

So where do we draw the line?

Comment Re:Web developer headache? (Score 3, Interesting) 122

Have you made websites recently?

I do not mean to sound critical about you personally? I wrote a kind of bad trollish review below. With that ouf of the way IE 11 is one of the most standard compliant browsers available. It does not support the most features but it supports those correctly. Webkit/blink is the worst. CSS 3 animations is like IE 6 you need hack after hack of -webkit to get it to work.

Why is it we accept Google doing this yet bash IE 6 as the anti Christ when it did the same in 2001? Spartan is a better browser than IE 11 but Chrome and Mozilla accelerating in the last year faster than the project Spartan could catch. So in a sense it is about Chrome in 2012/2013 but with more standards compliant. It still is beta in a rewrite engine stage so I won't bruise MS too much more on this :-)

After the new engine stabilizes they need to add quite a few features like interactive forms, pointer events, drawing primitives, stencil support in webgl, to catch up to the other browsers. However I do not know if the W3C standardized these yet.

Since IE users NEVER EVER UPGRADE the last thing MS wants is to implement a changed feature later on and be stuck for the next 10 years where developers curse them for writing 2 versions of that standard after W3C changes the final spec. This is what happened with IE 6 besides the bugs. CSS 2.1 was very very new and changed final after IE 6 came out. firefox implemented it the other way causing 2 rifts as it was assumed users and corporations would upgrade to IE 7 FAST and quickly. We all know they never happened and kept the damn IE 6 until 2011.

Comment Re:WebM Support? (Score 2) 122

Question for anyone who has tried it, does Project Spartan currently support Vorbis, Opus, VP8, VP9 and the WebM container format? VP8 and Opus are mandatory to implement in the WebRTC spec so hopefully Microsoft will at least conform to the spec for WebRTC, and bonus points awarded if they carry that codec support over to the video tag.

According to www.html5test.com no. Just AAC and MP3. ... however in Microsoft's defense it is not a W3C standard as they all agreed to implement mp3 and mpeg4

Comment Caught up to Chrome 20 from 2012 (Score 3, Insightful) 122

Only 3 years behind webkit now

Only score 370 from HTML5test.com which places it about where Chrome 20 was in 2012.

Just like IE years behind. Shame.

Also the address bar isn't obvious and will confuse the heck out of Grandma and office drones. No arrow in the address bar to show frequent sites. Again phone will be ringing off the hook for it back.

No thanks will ban this on the corporate desktop and put IE 11 for awhile when we switch to Windows 10 in the next 5 years until MS adds these features back.

I am trying hard not to be trollish as IE has drastically improved by the POS it was last decade! However, the faster MS is on changing and being not bad the further webkit and even Mozilla plow ahead even faster.

IE haters it is only beta so it might change and according to smashingmagazine.com the trident team mentioned 3,000 bugs were removed when they re created the whole engine into something new. So kudos Microsoft.

But all this change freaks the hell out of business users and are parents still clinging to XP for life as the best OS and the last when that worked with things in the right spots etc

Comment Re:Advertisers reeling over this small fix! (Score 1) 113

I'm afraid you're going to have to retire the "HATE THIS" meme.

From now on, you have to write the hooks to ad-laden drivel using the following as a guide:



"He Downloaded Adblock And Installed. When He Reloaded The Page, I Was Amazed."

Ensure That You Capitalise Every Word For Maximum Impact.



How was that?

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