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Comment Re:How about transfer rate and reliability? (Score 0) 215

Not to mention the grandparent has a backward idea of reliability too. Though the very newest SSDs are significantly more reliable you can ask any shop owner what he thinks of SSDs. They do die more frequently than a disk based on customers bringing them in. Linus Torvalds lost his too out of nowhere with no warning.

I have a raid with some SSD's on the system I am typing this on but I have my swap and personal data/profile on a mechanical disk still for this reason

Comment Re:Guffaw! So much overhaul it's FOUR better! (Score 1) 171

Java had tons of capability problems when Oracle changed a string in a copyright file unrelated to the version after acquiring it from SUN.

Keep in mind I have not written java code for a long time now. But there was a method to check I think in java.lang somewhere.

Want to know why these apps failed? They used RMI to bypass the platform and use win32 apis to go check strings in c:\program files\jre etc or they use WMI to check the owner of the copyright. Instead of using a =, the incompetent programmers used an "==" and would call a break writeln (This program requires java 1.4.2 to run etc)

This was terrible and a ton more work not to mention broke compatibility with Linux and MacOSX for no reason at all?? My guess is these were corporate crap anyway that sent IE 6 specific CSS for these web apps anyway.

It is what you get when you go H1B1 visa holders.

My point is you would be shocked at all the garbage that goes and yes I can see poorly written MFC apps written in VC+ 4.2 doing a string check for Windows 9.x and printing out "Upgrade to Windows2000 Please!". If it happened in Java I am sure it can happen elsewhere

Comment Re:really? (Score 1) 171

The change in kernel version was long overdue - if you compare XP to Vista, and then Vista to 8.1, the latter is just as much of a gap.

Not really at the kernel level besides some power management features. Services and gui there is a vast difference.

But it does make more sense to put everything together unlike a Linux OS it comes together and the pieces are not installed separately.

Comment Make it require outdated browsers and Oses (Score 1) 176

Then turn around and offer it fix it for a very inflated price once websites wont render anymore after you force them to use your product. Make sure it ties into as many business processes unrelated to your product selling points as possible so your customers can fire people who do the things your software does. Therefore can't leave you when done.

You will go well in the medical industry especially.

Comment Re:Guffaw! So much overhaul it's FOUR better! (Score 1) 171

Then they used a very crappy method of version checking - the command line "ver" command doesn't return anything like "Windows 95"

Doesn't matter as these companies only hire inexperienced Indians to develop the software so the CEO can get his bonus.

An app failing due to a stupid version check done incorrectly brings in revenue as these customers will now have to pay twice :-)

I have seen this in the medical industry where an outdated version of IE is targeted on purpose knowing it will create demand for another purchase later on when websites stop rendering correctly. It doesn't make economic sense to hire good coders who prevent future re-purchases.

Also the MBAs are stupid and will just deny upgrades and approve software without IT's approval that is poorly written. After all IT is a cost center and they know more and are better than we are because they are profit centers. If you do not like go work elsewhere etc ...

Comment Re:Take it from a big FreeBSD fan... (Score 1) 267

You don't want to use BSD on the desktop.

I'm not saying you can't, all the usual stuff is in FreeBSD ports, there are distributions like PC-BSD that attempt to be good for desktops out of the box. If you really want to make it happen, you can. I've watched many Linux and FreeBSD folks spend countless hours making their desktops work.

Even going to a hard core sysadmin conference, you're going to see a sea of Mac's, some folks even using Windows, and a smattering of the hard core on Linux desktops. Why? To work with other people in their company or at other companies they need Skype, or WebEx to work. They need Excel to open the quotation for hardware, and flash player to view some mandatory training. They want resource browsing that just works so they can print to a printer in the office.

The reason BSD is great in the data center is lots of people use it for that. It's a network effect. You're standing on the shoulders of other folks. It's the same reason Windows and OS X dominate the user desktop market, the software you need just works on them, someone else has made it work. If I told you to replace all of your data center servers with Windows 8 boxes you'd probably laugh at me, and yet the opposite question does not provoke the same response!

So if you want to, try. It can be done, with much blood, sweat, and tears. You might find that fun, if so enjoy! You might work for a small enough company or even just yourself where you can mandate BSD, and LibreOffice and be happy. If so, you are extremely lucky. Otherwise as a long term, die hard, FreeBSD supporter I can tell you from 20+ years experience, you're going to just frustrate yourself.

Which is why I run it from a VM in VMware Worksation under Windows 7. There is virtualbox too which is free. I also run turnkey Linux for certain needs where I fire up and appliance for php testing etc. I have a VM for Windows domain controllers and my router is a configured OpenBSD VM with only takes 64 megs of ram for my virtual network for access.

I do not think it is blaspheme at all to use a real desktop OS like Windows 7 or MacOSX or even Linux if you hate SystemD, but use a vm for your real work to connect it with a server for php, database, etc.

Comment Re:Easiest way... (Score 1) 267

Maybe just maybe people just want a unix like OS and not care about learning commands.

Mac is great and Windows 7 is now a somewhat decent desktop OS which is quite shocking. I run in VMware Workstation for web development. Do not have time to set stuff up and do not care. It is an appliance and just works.

My advice is to use a real desktop OS and keep the server stuff in vms. Virtualbox is free. Even if you are a Windows only dude these virtualizers can simulate a whole network with a domain controller and everything.

Comment Re:I'm happy to announce (Score 1) 400

IE ... as in modern IE is frankly a better corporate browser.

It supports GPO, webstandards, corporate apps, domain integration, and doesn't change every freaking 6 weeks??!

True it lacks add-ons I will admit but for work they do not care. Ie no longer is a pos it was last decade where you needed hacks to get anything to work which of course meant it only worked in one version of one browser from years ago.

Firefox is in a world of trouble. It is like having an IQ test with the retarded special ed kid when IE 6 was king in its early years. Now you have the athlete of IE who is fast with the gifted kid who is Chrome. Where has firefox went?

Comment Re: Who's using Firefox anyway ? (Score 1) 400

I use Firefox in preference to Chrome because of the superior and more permissive add on ecosystem, fine grained JavaScript controls, better tools for privacy protection and better (yes, really) memory management for my browsing habits.
Just the fact that I can have hassle free ad blocking on Android makes it worthy of consideration.

Great you mean how Firefox got rid of the option to turn off javascript.

It is turning more and more into a crappy version of chrome as they remove features but refuse to redo internal architecture like SMP support with per process tabs. IE 7 (yes that horrible browser from last decade) has better security with a sandbox and process per tabs. WTF??

Electrolysis or whatever it is called is 5 years too late. I hate no smooth scrolling anymore in chrome or the shitty font rendering but IE and Chrome are lightyears ahead.

Memory management is false as soon as you open lots of tabs both IE and Chrome can handle them and still stay responsive via processes for each tab. Not true in Firefox and FF uses the most ram. FF 4.0 vs IE 9 proved it.

Firefox needs a fork bad as I do not want webkit turning into the next IE 6 in the coming years with Google setting webstandards if the trend continues but shoot Firefox really fell from grace as a lightweight browser alternative to Mozilla and turning into Mozilla.

Comment Re:Opposition is from a small elite (Score 1) 550

Lets say you have a laptop that is on one network and goes to sleep when you close it and arrives in a hotel room on another network? How would you do this with init without some serious hacks?

init doesn't control the network, and it never has. it only starts the network. you use a network managing daemon to handle rejoining previously-seen access points and the like.

The problem is you have each thing doing checks all the time every 30 seconds and ugly scripts to do this. Especially if you want to do more than 1 thing from an event.

Init does processes, states aka runlevels, and other things. Not just loads the OS in a unix autoexec.bat. So wouldn't the logical way to do this would be to use something like Solaris version of system control manager (I think it is the name) to load this from an XML file? You just state what do for each thing and the system runs on its own with minimal configuration or complexity and maximum performance. SystemD may or may not be good. A lot of people fear change and I do not mean this as an insult. I think people do not see a benefit they do not want to learn something new which is why people obsess over the ancient XP and refuse to change. Unbelievable with that ..

Anyway yes init controls processes and threads and states so it makes sense it would do this correct? Unless you want each daemon and component to do its own checking and not integrate with each other?? This is the mess Linux does now.

Apple, Ubuntu, and Sun ditched init for that reason and why we have tons of inet alternatives. Something needs to change.

Comment Re:Opposition is from a small elite (Score 1) 550

But the system management would need to probe. Now imagine every app in the Linux distro doing the same thing. See a problem?

According to the wikipedia entry Init does more than just act as autoexec.bat and monitors processes and exhorts to runlevels for things like X mode or stay in a console.

In my world it makes sense that the OS knows what is going on in real time. It is debatable if the init processor should be the one to manage this but seems most logical. Read the part on the bottom and the replacements?

No need to get mad or personally at me. I am just stating init is not perfect. I have seen ugly init scripts that try to mimic a lot. The idea is quite powerful and kind of like the idea of servers that react differently to conditions such as a high load, hack attack, or one of the nics going down etc. If you program the events the init replacement can take care of a lot of stuff where you do not have to have scripts and other daemons which are designed to work with 1 app try to interact with several to do what you want.

System management is init as it launches the processes so it seems logical and it doesn't have to be ugly or complex. You simple state the event and what you want to happen next ala NGIX has over apache httpd files. SystemD in its current form does have issues from what I read even if it is not a good implementation but I am no expert.

Comment Re:Opposition is from a small elite (Score 0) 550

Then why did Apple get rid of init years ago?

With a mac (I am not a mac fan but illustrating a point) you open it up and it connects automatically. Also it would give error DNS messages in Chrome or Firefox which would confuse the non technical user who would blame the IT guy or Linux etc. The event based init replacement sees the event and knew to auto connect. Init is designed for a 1985 stationary unix server with maybe 30 or so utilities and 1 or 2 apps. Not for something we have today.

Init is the complexity part to deal with its limitations. But it is popular to bash it here so moderators ignore what I have to say. I guess Sun, Ubuntu, and Apple were wrong on why they all ditched init.

Even driven daemons are what is behind NGIX and why it beats Apache in terms of simplicity and performance. Windows also is async event based too in the startup of its services.

I am not saying SystemD is good. I am saying init is not god like XP RULEZ by the folks used to things a certain why.

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