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Comment Re:Advertisers reeling over this small fix! (Score 1) 113

I'm afraid you're going to have to retire the "HATE THIS" meme.

From now on, you have to write the hooks to ad-laden drivel using the following as a guide:



"He Downloaded Adblock And Installed. When He Reloaded The Page, I Was Amazed."

Ensure That You Capitalise Every Word For Maximum Impact.



How was that?

Comment Re:a question (Score 1) 1168

I am split.

The free market in my wants the government to back off as I see abuse. A gay can be verbally abusive to me and my other customers but he can claim it was I singled him out because he is a minority BS etc.

However, if you want the benefits of no lawsuits and or taxes by being a limited liability corporation then expect demands to be met for this privilege. I can see this. If you do not like then be a sole proprietor where you can freely discriminate against. Just do not come whining when the lawyers come after you and the IRS wants to see 1/3 of your income.

Comment Re:(election time) Christian Theocracy (Score 1, Flamebait) 1168

Seriously not flamebait, but bigots typically heavily vote Republican.

They are tired of this black muslim socialist and want a return to the days of Bush. So put amendments and put records like these will give pastors great sermons on who God approves to run their country come election day. It works as the religious right is THEE most powerful group in this country. Even more powerful than the NRA and those who want lower taxes.

No I am not saying you are a biggot if you are a Republican moderators. But I do say the religious folks are 85% are registered republicans thanks to Jerry Falwell and Reagan who tried to persued them to leave Carter and the democratic party behind.

It works it is time get ahead at any cost including taking away the rights of others. Racist governors did the same to Blacks too to bring supporters to the polls

Submission + - Supermario 64 coming to a browser near you! (neowin.net)

Billly Gates writes: Since Unity has been given a liberal license and free for non commercial developers it has become popular. A computer science student used the tool to remake SuperMario 64 with a modern Unity 5 engine. There is a video here and if you want to play the link is here. You will need Firefox or Chrome which has HTML 5 for gamepad support if you do not want to use the keyboard.

Comment Re:It's quite simple really... (Score 1) 158

In 2004 there was nothing wrong with written sites for IE 6.

I mean what else is there? It had 93% of the market and growing and it came with every pc.

Problem is during the great recession we let go of intranet teams and IT as cost centers since their IE 6 systems worked just fine so why pay the expense? Now no one knows how they work and are too ingrained to their business processes to upgrade as it will break their work flows

Comment Re:this is nothing (Score 1) 158

But I bet the system and paperwork was written in 2004.

You saw how much of a pain it was to upgrade? Think of 10 years ago when a default system came with IE 6? It just worked if you targeted for that. Nothing wrong as 90% of the world used it and it was assumed by now 100% of the web would be using IE forever since Netscape was gone. Seems foolish today but back then it was foolish to think differently.

There were no standards. Only IE unless you wanted to double development efforts for no reason?? So as with governments with red tape it takes an act of parliament to change the paperwork written from back then

Comment Re:The butting edge (Score 1) 42

I do. 90% of users aren't gamers or Warez freeloaders contrary to slashdot opinion. With large games peoplease only have time for a few and lots of small ones. With me an mMO. Now playing star wars the old republic all imperial :-)

But I do have a few hundred gigs of vms. One on a 1 tb mechanical disk. Rest in one of my 2 500 gif ssds raid 0s. 25 gig levels are much nicer on the lader :-)

Comment Re:Pretty sure you are trolling but... (Score 1) 42

Again nitch. I have not met anyone besides IT folks build their own dvr. I had one said I wasn't a real IT guy if I don't make my own cloud. Really? I open onedrive and drag files. How hard is that? No an external shared disk is not a cloud regardless of the hype from Western digitals marketing department.

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