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Comment Re:Steve Jobs Was Ruthless, so cry ... (Score 5, Interesting) 288

in the last few decades, there has been mass mind-reprogramming that seems to convince people that 'profit above all else, to the exclusion of all else' is what american companies are supposed to be about.

but go back to our grandfather's days and you would find social responsibility (which was hard fought for, during the union days). companies DID care and they DID shoulder the burden during hard times, because they saw value in the INVESTMENT in their work force! it was common for people to work at the same company for 20, 30 even 40 years!

find anyone like that today. I dare you. if you find someone working 20 yrs at the same place, its extremely rare.

this is now how it used to be. and don't accept that this was always how it was and how its meant to be. that's brainwashing by the new capitalists who are no better than white collar criminals, these days.

What has changed my friend is court cases of the 1980's defined the role of a company. The question is who owns the company? The shareholders and big banks won. It is not to make profit. It is to raise the shareprice. It must grow grow and grow and if it gets too high go do splits forever with no end in sight! If a CEO can't perform this then hire someone else who can. It is taught in finance 101 today in any college and was asked during my exam even.

So how does this change things?
1. You can't grow by creating great products when your share is saturated or is no longer a cash cow with competition
2. The emphasis on Engineers getting MBA's does not help the goal of the company. Cost accountants getting MBA's and bean counters making critical decisions and overiding IT and engineering make a better value for raising the share price
3. The only way to get a magical p/e ratio is to raise revenue and cut expenses by sitting on cash and going in debt rather than investing on growth
4. When you are out of ideas SELL or CUT DRASTIC CUTS to gain quarterly updates. When that doesn't work by other companies to get other investors raise the share price or sell it so the shareholders can sell out their high costs and give you the golden parachute for looking after shareholder intestests etc.

How many times did I write shareholder? See the problem? It is a math game today of flipping for computer programs that make entities more wealth.

That is the downside. The upside is newer agile competitors can rise up as HP is killing itself and Lenovo and Asus are taking its place. HP needs to hire more financial engineering majors to tinker with the price through accounting tricks and will cash out when it can't sell computers by selling it to Asus as a shadow of itself etc.

It is sad really but unregulated greed and Wall Street is ruining the whole country. Did you know bankers went to jail setting gold and stock prices! True ... today they do it with HFT supercomputers and do not blink. Why is this legal? But until courts role stakeholders not shareholders only you will continue to see shareholder activists like iKahn screwing things up and cashing in and funding Tea Party and anti union laws to make sure he can make even more money.

This corruption needs to stop

Comment Re:why are they taking so long? (Score 2, Funny) 134

that's was a rethorical question, btw. I suppose incompetence of an almost petrified juggernaut. or maybe fixing it would break some obscure feature someone pays for.

No way. You mean something written only for IE with professional quality like Taleo, workday, McKearson, and PeopleSoft would break when turning on sandboxing, tls 2.0, non compromised certicates, local admin activeX controls, when turning on security and w3c standards? Oh please. If that were the case I am sure the cost accountants would be approving upgrades to use the latest versions.

Comment Re:They still don't support net neutrality... (Score 5, Informative) 173

who gives a f*k? cable television is something noone cares about... and anyone who does is a dumbass... this is the age of the internet.

Right and what if 4 years from now your internet connection must include TV and HBO at $200 a month or NO internet for you! (soup Nazi voice from Seinfeld)

Comment ah uh (Score 0) 174

According to any slashdotter as long as you do not run any AV software and don't run downloads you will be perfectly fine! This all is a scam to force us to buy Av software that's it and my ff 3.6 with +100 holes as of now running admin is perfectly save because I am cautious user

Comment Re:Sounds like IT incompetence (Score 0) 564

Not to sound like a dick, but this is a business and not a charity. You and your boss should have been fired ASAP. There is no time for a lesson as it's not a charity, but a business. A 19 year old should not have that much power. Your boss lacked judgment.

Sorry it happened to you. But shit happens and a mistake vs negligence and a lack of cautiousness is different. I ask very dumb questions and get chuckles ALWAYS when I change a linked GPO on an OU but they always know that is the SOP. Sccm needs testing, reviews, and run on a vm or test OU first. You need 100% certainty on everything and 90% sure is 10% too much!

If people lost .pst files that millions of dollars worth of contacts then firings are in order. If your not an expert DON'T Do IT. Welcome to work. I hope your very cautious for now on

Comment Re:Sounds like IT incompetence (Score 1) 564

Not really. Anyone not that concerned or even care pushing something he knows little about doesn't deserve to be in IT. I had people laugh at me when I ask a stupid question with a GPO or membership change, I then explain that's what I thought but wanted to clear etc. 85% is 15% too much!! Can't comprehend this go sell houses or something instead. Plenty of CS grads at geeksquad DESPERATE to get a real IT job just waiting

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