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Comment Re:Some thoughts... (Score 3, Insightful) 151

Marxist communism fails wherever it is tried (and saw to the murders of over 100 million innocent people) because it's fundamentally broken. It lacks any of the value indicators that are essential to any economic system.

Marx believed firmly in the labor theory of value, and as such all economic power derived from human labor, not from mechanical power and as such almost completely ignores the value of intellectual work, the guy who figures out the right way to apply labor to raw materials is fantastically more effective than the one who does it the wrong way.

Communism is also terrible at effectively allocating resources since it lacks the price signals that bundle cost and relative value and communicate them in a way that enables efficient allocation of resources to maximize what people collectively perceive as good, which is why communist economies always fail, and will always fail, even in the presence of automated systems that produce and distribute all of the essentials of life to everyone equally.

"All basic necessities of life will be for free and accessible to all members of said society + a few extras brought up by civilization. The list went --> basic necessities are air, water, food, shelter, warmth [energy] and clothing. The extras were child-care, education and medicine."

And yet that's very much what exists in the social welfare systems of most western countries today, with a few exceptions. They focus, quite rightly, on trying to get people back to work, but for the most part nobody starves by the roadside. Simultaneously they harness the desire for self improvement and reward it, creating an incentive for advancement.

As to the rest to be honest it just looks like a lengthy paranoid misanthropic screed.

Submission + - How to Beat Online Price Discrimination (time.com)

Intrepid imaginaut writes: A new study found that major e-commerce retailers show some users different prices or a different set of results. Do you think you can find the lowest prices by shopping online? Think again.

A new study by researchers at Northeastern University confirmed the extent to which major e-commerce websites show some users different prices and a different set of results, even for identical searches.

Submission + - Million of British Imperial Documents Being Digitised (bbc.com)

Intrepid imaginaut writes: A transgender singer hits stardom in Baghdad. Officials scramble to impose order after a Kuwaiti restaurant is found to be selling cat meat. Gulf royals on an official visit to London are left marooned in a drab south London suburb because of a shortage of hotel rooms in the West End.

These are some of the quirky stories hiding in nine miles of shelving at the British Library (BL) that hold the India Office Records — millions of documents recording Britain's 350-year presence in the sub-continent.

The India Office did not only administer India, it also exercised colonial rule over an area stretching west as far as Aden. That's why the files cover Persia and Arabia. And the reason the stories are coming to light is that the Qatar Foundation has paid £8.7m for nearly half a million documents relating to the Gulf to be digitised.

Work started in 2012, and many of those documents have now gone online at the Qatar National Library's digital library portal.

Comment Re:I'm still waiting... (Score 1) 161

Your central point is that it's not okay for one group to do it, but okay for a group you bray your support for endlessly to do it. And then you have the gall to start complaining about false equivalency and of all things hostility, particularly hilarious given your own penchant for leaping in with both boots on. So once again, get fucked you fucking hypocritical little fuck.

Comment Re:I'm still waiting... (Score 1) 161

Oh, look, an article objecting to a specific methodology, that in no way was made illegal.

It's a paper, not some smear of a blog entry.

Okay. Those are equal. Yep. Look, your objection requires people to believe in a huge-criminology wide conspiracy to suppress data, whereas my objection just references a law on the books.

My objection requires people to believe in well supported research, and I don't really give a shit what you're referencing. Want more? Here you go: http://www.csulb.edu/~mfiebert...

I'm not even going to refute what you're saying, because, hell, Straus is a criminologist, and I'm not. But I will accuse you of willful false equivalence. Don't do that.

Get fucked.

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