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seoras writes: After coming under intense pressure PayPal has closed the account of cloud-storage service Mega. According to the company, SOPA proponent Senator Patrick Leahy personally pressured Visa and Mastercard who in turn called on PayPal to terminate the account. Bizarrely, Mega's encryption is being cited as a key problem.... ... What makes the situation more unusual is that PayPal reportedly apologized to Mega for its withdrawal while acknowledging that company’s business is indeed legitimate.
However, PayPal also advised that Mega’s unique selling point – it’s end-to-end-encryption – was a key concern for the processor."

Submission + - NSA Spying Wins Another Rubber Stamp (

schwit1 writes: The FISA court has again renewed an order allowing the NSA to continue its illegal bulk collection of Americans' phone records, at least until June 1 when it is set to expire in Congress. President Obama pledged to end the controversial program more than a year ago.

The extension is the fifth of its kind since Obama said he would effectively end the Snowden-exposed program as it currently exists during a major policy speech in January 2014. Obama and senior administration officials have repeatedly insisted that they will not act alone to end the program without Congress.

After all the other things he's done against or without congressional approval and he balks at this one?

Submission + - Google Taking Over New TLDs (

bobo the hobo writes: In the corner of the internet where people care about DNS, there is a bit of an uproar at Google's application for over a hundred new top-level domains, including .dev, .lol, .app, .blog, .cloud and .search. Their application includes statements such as:
By contrast, our application for the .blog TLD describes a new way of automatically linking new second level domains to blogs on our Blogger platform – this approach eliminates the need for any technical configuration on the part of the user and thus makes the domain name more user friendly.

And also limiting usage of .dev to Google only:
Second-level domain names within the proposed gTLD are intended for registration and use by Google only, and domain names under the new gTLD will not be available to the general public for purchase, sale, or registration. As such, Charleston Road Registry intends to apply for an exemption to the ICANN Registry Operator Code of Conduct as Google is intended to be the sole registrar and registrant.

Submission + - Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov shot dead in Moscow.

An anonymous reader writes: BBC News Reports

An unidentified attacker shot Mr Nemtsov four times in central Moscow, a source in the law enforcement bodies told Russia's Interfax news agency. He was shot near the Kremlin while walking with a woman, according to Russian-language news website Meduza. "Several people" had got out of a car and shot him, it added. Mr Nemtsov, 55, served as first deputy prime minister under the late President Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s.

Meanwhile, various sources report a massive gathering of protestors at the site of the shooting.

Submission + - How to "Get into Tech" If You're Not an Obvious Fit (

An anonymous reader writes: The tech sector is hot—but quirky. Karen Wickre, editorial director at Twitter, is an industry veteran despite lacking a typical tech background. Her suggestions for how less obvious applicants--young humanities grads, people over 40 and disgruntled journalists--should approach the tech industry ends up being great advice about work in general, and how to think about your own career passions.

Comment the lighter side of suicide (Score 0, Troll) 187

People take this so seriously. Yes, families and friends may be saddened by a suicide. If the deceased is a celebrity, there will be headlines. But really let's look at the big picture.

What is it- 7 billion people we have now? Maybe 1 billion who are starving, diseased, who have no hope for a full life? Even in the 'First World' there are thousands of homeless parents and children. We are killing hundreds, perhaps thousands each day with war, violence and mayhem. We are killing more with ordinary traffic and other accidents.

But some poor soul in the First World, who had opportunities, family and friends decides to off him/herself and it's a tragedy? It's only because we see ourselves in that person, and we don't see ourselves in the billion who are starving.

Lighten up, people. Just because we have money and computers and a decent car to drive to the club, doesn't mean that our lives are worth more than that billion. If you really want to shed a tear ...

Comment members only (Score 1) 53

As long as Fecebook blocks my access to their content, I doubt they really want to let more of the world on the internet. They want more in their proprietary corner of the internet. Others (non info-sharing, non-members ...) are not welcome.

Comment mice, HGTTG (Score 4, Insightful) 95

If we learned anything from The Hitchhiker's Guide, it is that the mice are the supreme species on earth.
What's the point of injecting inferior genes into their brains?

On a more serious note, it will probably be a long time before genetic science can safely determine the source of intelligence or any way to manipulate it. And a long time beyond that to overcome social and legal impediments to using the knowledge in any practical way. Expect to be just as dumb as you are for the rest of your life.

Comment Re:It is not about technology (Score 2) 183

"I'm pretty sure all regulations are available on the internet."

You may find it interesting that the Municipal Code for my current city, and probably yours, is a copyrighted document prepared by a private company. Illegal for you to make a copy without paying them. Our city doesn't have the resources to create such a document. The publisher is able to create a generic municipal code and then make minor alterations for individual cities.

I worked for the private law firm that wrote the Chicago municipal code. The attorney whose name appeared as author was simply the head of a committee, but he had connections and got all the credit. That was a merger of private/public cooperation long ago that probably was beneficial to the City and lucrative for my boss.

Ownership of the law, in written form, will be more commercialized over time. Slashdot readers are pushing for scientific journals to be more 'open' ... This is another place where openness is important.

"Ask Slashdot: How Can Technology Improve the Judicial System?" - this is it.

Comment aardvark / hack the web (Score 1) 353

These allow you to edit a web page. Remove the ads, the fluff, anything you don't like. Or simply select the text that interests you and poke CMD-i to isolate it. Print, copy the text, or make a PDF if you want to keep it. Aardvark is legacy, may not work on your newer Firefox. Hack seems to work well.

Comment affordable anonymity (Score 1) 111

If you have a name like Ichabod Rumpelstiltskin you will find it hard to hide on the internet. Change it to John or Mary Smith and you will be difficult to pinpoint. Change it to common words and searching you out will be nearly impossible. Consider words like 'and', 'the', 'if', or 'swell'. You could start a baseball team and call it Who's On First.

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The sooner all the animals are extinct, the sooner we'll find their money. - Ed Bluestone
