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Comment Re:And Then Some (Score 1) 110

On the flip side, it seems so lucrative and low risk I wonder how I could get in on the action.

I, too, am cursed with the memory of a younger, less risk-aversion, version of myself.

I largely suspect that is why i simultaneously find interest in, and see right through, these rather thinly guised versions of deceit.

Comment And Then Some (Score 4, Informative) 110

In my personal and professional experience, providing phones to field employees and teenagers, this sort of chicanery has occurred with AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon.

I was informed more than once that the companies have to accept third party billing charges. IMHO, what they don't have to do is hide the charges on the back of page four of the bill.

Read your monthly charge summaries carefully. If you catch a sham billing they will quickly remove it, but they will usually only go back a month or two. It's remarkably easy to miss a bogus four or five dollar monthly charge.

Comment Re:Can an "atheist company" refuse too? (Score 1) 1330

I am much more committed to the basic tenet of the separation of church and state.

Campaign finance for political office is primarily acquired, above board, from corporations. At the very least, lets not kid ourselves about it.

How about we allow the corporations to tell the politicians what to do only as long as they remain religion-neutral.

Comment Re:One non-disturbing theory (Score 1) 304

Aside from that, most sausage skins in the western world are made from plastic, it's been that way for decades.


Don't eat the chicken skin.

Don't eat the french fried potaters.

Now the sausage skin falls out of favor, too? Cheese and rice... it's beginning to look like I can either live fifty years like a medieval king, or 80 like a monk.

Comment Re:One solution (Score 4, Insightful) 219

Some people have little interest in happiness and a good mood... you see it every day.

Within and without social media, people, events, results, and happenstance conspire to alter your mood each and every day... something that cannot happen without your tacit permission. Grow a thicker skin and remember that yelling at that jerk in traffic means you've allowed a complete stranger power over your behavior.

If giving up social media is too big a first step, don't go in with your eyes wide shut: you are the product, not the customer.

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