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Comment Re:Check your arithmatic (Score 1) 214

Nice reference to persistence hunting. Wolves, in the rare instances where they still have territory free of the blight that is the hairless monkeys, are notoriously successful using this method of prey exhaustion. Humans fare even better, having the only brain in nature (I'm aware of) that engineers the carrying of water during the hunt.

For many, many modern humans, the daily struggle to acquire sustenance is a tad less rigorous.

Walkability (what a focking twat word) becomes a concern in urban areas, as the relative uselessness of a personal auto helps one cope with the higher rents and mortgages.

Comment Re:What do I think? (Score 1) 197

By bad, you mean a link back to a prior shudder Slashdot story, then yes. Maybe they fixed it.

This smacks of the sort of home movie experience purchased by people who already have the newest hyper-resolution televisions.

For the If it's this or the light bill crowd, market share will be on the order of shoe size.

Comment The Paper that brought down a President (Score 2) 136

The Washington Post, historically one of the most respected daily news sources, was hemorrhaging money while attempting to follow demand and make the transition from dead tree news juggernaut to an internet news site.

Major influence peddlers of the past, major newspaper owners were often more interested in the power derived from an ability to shape public opinion than the bottom line...although they were a great deal more profitable before instantaneous news became impossible to compete with.

Bezos is dealing with the challenge of ushering the decaying giant into the new World, and in some fashion, that includes monetizing the operation. A button for Amazon purchases? Were you expecting a Rakuten link?

Submission + - Fukushima's Biological Legacy ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: Scientists began gathering biological information only a few months after the disastrous 2011 meltdown of the Fukushima power plant in Japan. Results of these studies are now beginning to reveal serious biological effects of the Fukushima radiation on non-human organisms ranging from plants to butterflies to birds. A series of articles summarizing these studies has been published in the Journal of Heredity describing impacts ranging from population declines to genetic damage (abstract 1, abstract 2, abstract 3, abstract 4). Most importantly, these studies supply a baseline for future research on the effects of ionizing radiation exposure to the environment. Common to all of the published studies is the hypothesis that chronic (low-dose) exposure to ionizing radiation results in genetic damage and increased mutation rates in reproductive and non-reproductive cells.

Comment Re:Are there any reasons... (Score 3, Insightful) 174

People fuck up.

Things go unexpectedly wrong as a matter of course in everyday life, let alone in the midst of innovation, since redefining the norm is a process fraught with a high failure rate.

Owning it, and retroactively covering models no longer affected by factory warranty? That's the kind of shit you can easily get behind.

Comment Re:It's tinfoil time! (Score 1) 232

Revolution is a reference to the Network program where the lights go out preceding the obligatory zombie outbreak.

If the power wielded by your overlord devolves into something essentially unlivable for the masses, and his power is concentrated heavily in electronic surveillance, turning out the lights is a way to level the field.

Comment Re:It's tinfoil time! (Score 2, Interesting) 232


Some of these people were being improperly classified as conspiracy theorists.

I am aware there are some who see conspiracy at every turn, as if no event on the radar could simply be happenstance. Shit does just happen, sometimes.

But, there were many who read Orwell and were convinced government would eventually devolve to this. Whatever they used to be called, it can now be said they appear prophetic.

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