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Comment Re:asdf (Score 1) 107

Please tell me you're not planning to stay FULL RETARD.

Doctors can't see your medical records unless you sign a release and allow them access, usually by joining their practice as a patient.

Only after that, can they request your records from your previous doctors and only then will they be provided, usually by mail.

The NSA on the other hand, probably has them in a database and at their fingertips already. Which ones you ask? ALL of them (that are in electronic medical record clouds).

Comment Who cares!? (Score 0) 280

Who cares how much anything costs? This is the government after all and they have magic money. They can give FREE healthcare and FREE unemployment benefits, the have something called a central bank that gives them FREE MONEY, so who cares how much it costs.

This is the socialists wet dream, until the government spends their magic money on something they don't personally like, then it's like woooah, hold on how much does this cost?

How much does it cost? Fucking nothing that's how much. It's free money. Who cares? You care? Well fuck you, we have the guns and we only care about the uber riche. That's the reality of government.

Maybe someday the communist socialist ilks will realize that for every victory they have, the person in charge of the government gun that points at people, ain't them.

Comment Re:What is this nonsense? (Score 1) 631

  1. Problem
  2. Reaction
  3. Solution

I mean really, this is the oldest trick in the book of corrupt politicians. Pretend there's a problem, fabricate one, coopt one, wait for the outcry from the retard population of "do something, you gotta do something I don't care what. Think of the children", then propose your real goal, the 'solution'.

This is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

Comment Re:No surprise (Score 1) 192

The challenge is picking out the conversations of interest since there simply is too much data to sift through and get timely actionable information.

See here:

"Greenwald reprints in the book an NSA slide from Snowden's documents that, when he first saw it, almost made him laugh because it is so surreal. Titled "New Collection Posture", it sets out the scale of the NSA's ambitions in astonishingly frank terms: "Sniff it all, Know it all, Collect it all, Process it all, Exploit it all, Partner it all.""

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