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Comment Re:um, OK (Score 1) 690

If giving money to people who will spend it is good economic policy, how is everyone not in economic nirvana right now. Spending money is the easiest thing in the world, here give me some I'll show you.

Truth is that money spending and money giving don't produce anything. Hard work does.

Comment Re: No more bailout (Score 0) 690

Yes, when over 50% of your labor force works for the government (ie. doesn't produce anything, but consumes what they borrow and take by force) and you ask them to stop that and go do something that's actually productive, you're going to have to cut a few bench warmers.

FYI this is the same reason they ran up their debt in the first place.

Comment Re:Can't eat what you don't grow (Score 1) 690

of your 3 examples. The dust bowl and the credit crunch were not caused by voluntarism / capitalism.

Taking the credit crunch alone, why do you think all those risky loans were made? Because the government forced banks to lend below their standards and also got in the lending game to the tune of what, 80% of all the housing loans in the US are owned by fanny and freddy.


Comment Re:Can't eat what you don't grow (Score 1) 690

You make a great point. The risk is huge, for the large number of workers and families invested in their business.

Maybe that's why you want to make sure you get the best person for the job and to do this, you have to pay what the person's talents are worth. What that might be? Well if you think you can dictate that figure you're smoking some whacky toebacky.

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