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Comment Re:Cry Me A River (Score 1) 608

I wish I could mod this up.

I recently learned Microsoft MVC, being an old application programmer. Once I grasped the concept, I ended up with three competing database models to the same bloody schema in SQL Server, because some controls use AJAX/Entity Framework, others JSON/SQLDataObject, still others a SQLClient loaded on page load.

I got it to work, but what a rube goldberg machine it is, complete with the maintenance headache that implies.

Comment Re:Global warming is only the start (Score 0) 265

Oil a'int fossil in origin. The Russians know that, and have capitalized magnificently on technologies that exploit this. This is actually the REAL story behind the Donetsk basin.

False scarcity is a wealth creator and a method of social control. UAE will be destroyed not by petrochemical scarcity, but by its comparative plenitude.

Comment Re:Life on Mars? (Score 1, Interesting) 265

No one will EVER live in a permanent space colony. Sorry.

This fantasy was promoted in an age where achieving terrestrial dominance through orbital trajectory of warheads was under intense and competitive development. It did its job.

Rockwell rode on the tail-end of this era, for the final boondoggle of the US Shuttle Program, in the 1970's. You won't see anything like that again.

Comment Re:Probable cause (Score 1) 223

There is still an instrument for guiding one's evaluation of claims and conundrums: Cui Bono?

In matters of human affairs, it is generally less erring than application of Occam's razor.

"Someone" is interested in getting you to think that the biggest potential for catastrophe, in your daily life and for your way of living, is impending Muslim ideological violence. They wish you to believe an absurdity.

What group or party benefits from this? Why have they chosen this from other possible alternatives? What other possible real threats and risks are diverted from attention by this condition?

Those are the basic questions for the truly inquisitive, not those merely questioning from a habit of personality.

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