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Submission + - New Linux bug gives root on all major distros, exploit released (

curtisk writes: A new set of Linux bugs similar to earlier "Dirty Cow" vulnerabilities, coined "Dirty Pipe", allow attackers to overwrite or inject data in read-only files, including SUID processes that run as root. This effects all Linux distros on Linux Kernel 5.8 and later versions. Recent patches will mitigate this exploit, so get patching if you are not on the latest.

Comment Re:It's kinda weird (Score 1) 11

that's a great analogy, its familiar, somewhat comforting, and for me, and maybe time has softened the edges, the arguments were never infuriating, almost expected with certain topics....but considered back and forth....there were times I've re-thought parts of my position, the trolls were pretty obvious, but even those with opposing stances, they were reasoned and fairly level maybe I was just lucky, or rose colored memory viewers are on lol I was telling a non techy friend about this site back in the heyday, a lot of good ideas and thought and personalities on here, at least for my two cents, then life's twists and turns...
User Journal

Journal Journal: Some things don't change in the old neighborhood 11

Like walking down a familiar road, there may be a few new places here and there, but there's always the old standards

Odd experience looking at friends list, and remembering some of you and your personalities some 12 years after my last visit through these parts

Absolutely bonkers that I've been on this site since the late 90's

Probably hang a while, still looks like a decent news feed up front

Comment Re:Progress (Score 1) 248

So instead of a 40MHz 486 and 8MiB of EDO RAM, we now require at least a 2,5GHz dual core with 1GiB of DDR3 SDRAM to accomplish the same thing on a web page.

Brilliantly said....its a neat tech demo, but really?

Comment Re:FaceBook adds Two Factor Authentication (Score 5, Insightful) 124

"Because if they steal your private data, we can't sell it to them!"

Thats so sadly funny... Facebook isn't even the least bit shy anymore, "just give us you cell/mobile number, its for safety!" I wonder what new data correlations and connections they can now make with that extra tidbit of data in that database version of you(in the database version of the world)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Slash*puke*dot 1

Oddly fun occurrence today when I refreshed my main page here, the lower QOTD type deal had regurgitated on itself....I give you slashpuke

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Wilderness Downtown

A friend just forwarded to me and advised me to check it was seriously impressed with the use of HTML5, javascript, the timing between windows,sync with the song, the use of past life addresses to make the experience "yours"...if you have a few minutes I think its worth more than a quick look...I used Chrome to view, you most likely will have to also..

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