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Comment Re:This is good (Score 1) 1094

Generally speaking I tend to learn more towards the conservative party in Australian than the Labor party. But everytime I go to the US I come back a little more left wing. The amount of poverty and people who are just lost is terrifying. For a country that are smart about so many things their social structure is just broken.


Choosing the Right IDE 443

Nerval's Lobster writes: Modern software development often requires working with multiple tools in a variety of languages. The complexity can give even the most skilled developer a nasty headache, which is why many try to rely on Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) to accomplish most of the work; in addition to source-code editors and automation, some even feature intelligent code completion. With so much choice out there, it's hard to settle on an IDE, so we interviewed several developers, who collectively offered up a list of useful questions to ask when evaluating a particular IDE for use. But do developers even need an IDE at all? When you go to smaller, newer developer shops, you're seeing a lot more standalone editors and command-line tools; depending on what you do, you might just need a good editor, and to master the command-line tools for the languages you use. What IDE do you prefer, if any, and why?

Comment Re:Only Two Futures? (Score 1) 609

True, but the only states that actually matter are the swing states, and you do not become a swing state by splitting up your vote. This would immediately take you of the swing state list. So effectively, the only states that matter in a US presidential election are states like Ohio and Florida, and they use this to get concessions out of the presidential candidates. They get all the money, they get all the attention, they get the laws benefitting them, the other states do not matter. Great system.

Comment Worst summary ever (Score 5, Informative) 55

The domains have not been seized from the Pirate Bay. The domains have been seized from Fredrik Neij because his property was forfeit after his earlier loss in court.

After two years the court refused to agree that the actions of the Pirate Bay should lead to the seizure of the domains, and instead a shortcut has been found to grab them by another means.

Comment Re: What? (Score 1) 126

I would be surprised if it is that the sum of liabilities had to be lower than value of assets. If you took a loan for $1 million and then bought equipment that equipment is immediately lower in value the second you bought it. This would mean you have a liability of 1 million and an asset worth say 700k. Which would run you afoul of what you described.

More likely it is that your available assets exceed current liabilities. Usually current liabilities are those that come due in this financial year.

Comment Re:Mac/Linux support removed... mildly surprised (Score 1) 227

Why 10%?

I own a windows box for gaming, and use macs / linux for work. Many PCs sit in offices, or are owned by people who like Facebook but do not play games. Where do market share estimates come from for new gaming hardware? Surely it is not the installed base of each platform, because the platform is sold into many market segments, and most of them have zero probability of buying new gaming hardware.

Just curious, I know the steam survey samples active gamers, but steam is still over-representative of the windows games in their catalogues. Who actually estimates numbers for the sizes of windows, linux and mac gamers?

Comment Re:Is MojoKid shilling for HotHardware allowed by (Score 1) 72

Unless things have changed the editors used to mash together submissions. If there were a range of submissions on one topic (GTA V in 4k), then the submission text would get rewritten to include links to most of the sites that you list. If it was a more esoteric story then the submission from one person would be used raw.

Performance figures for one resolution in one game is a bit lightweight and sketchy. Combination of nobody else cared and a slow news day? Never attribute malice to the actions of slashdot editors that can be explained by simple incompetence.

Comment Re:Do we really need a artcle about so called sexi (Score 2) 613

Indeed, that's how I read it. The paper started with an assumption that females are equal to males in producing scientifically correct papers, and therefore any discrepancy between male and female publication acceptance rates must come from discrimination. The reviewer pointed out that if you take an alternative hypothesis, that males are better at this stuff than females, then the conclusion didn't hold. They were begging the question. He went even so far as to explain that if you would take sports as an example, you could provide an absurd conclusion -- females are discriminated against participating in the 100 meters dash. Note, he was not saying that males are better than females at doing science, simply that this is not a foregone conclusion. And that's absolutely politically incorrect. All in all, I think he was pretty stupid to formulate it the way he did, but I don't think this is a slam-dunk to show suppression of females. Quite the opposite.

Comment Re:What? (Score 2) 126

Companies must have the ability to meet their liabilities as they become due otherwise they are trading insolvent. Put simply if Tesla had reached pay day and been unable to make the payment then it would have been insolvent and it would have been illegal for them to continue trading.

However I would suggest there is absolutely no chance of that statement being true as you don't get paid for your contracts immediately so there must have been some other finance mechanism in place.

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