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Comment Re:HPV (Score 2) 740

I'm going to bet he's referring to the HPV vaccine. Because obviously if you vaccinate your kids against an STD (even one that causes cancer!), you're just promoting sex. Never mind that the stats don't back that up at all.

This pause in Republican bashing brought to you by a mandatory vaccination proposed by Rick Perry, a Republican.

Comment Re:Backpedalled? (Score 0, Troll) 740

If your child is going to be attending a public facility, then yes, the government has every right to set the perquisites for attending.

Attending that "public facility" is mandatory per truancy laws. So, it works like this:
1) Government mandates that children must attend school
2) Government mandates that all children who attend a school must meet certain health requirements.
3) If children do not meet those health requirements, See #1

Now, I could get on board if the money the state taxed me to pay for my child's education would follow him/her to the school of my choice.

As for your bashing of anti-vaxers, I agree, but don't tie to a mandatory activity.

Comment Re:Backpedalled? (Score 4, Insightful) 740

Actually, I think it has more to do with the state telling parents what shots their kids must receive.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all about vaccinations and feel that anti-vaxers are idiots, but I'm a little leery of government making health decisions for my kids. If the government can tell your kids what vaccinations they must receive, what's next? Can they tell parents what to feed them? Can the government mandate what TV shows kids are allowed to or must watch? Can government force kids to read certain books or attend certain functions? Where do you draw the line? Once you draw that line, why can't it be crossed or moved?

Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 332

Exactly. I can notice the difference between 1080p and 4k, but said difference is so small that I'm not about to buy a new 60" TV and the coming HD-Bluray yet. Hell, people are just now really starting to even buy standard BluRay. I really doubt this will take off anytime soon. When it does and it makes sense then I'll upgrade. Right now 1080p on my 60" is a fantastic experience that I don't see being worth money to 'upgrade'.

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