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Comment Motorcycles (Score 1) 2

Speaking of automotive "why is this shit even legal?", how come motorcycles don't have to have mufflers?
Added safety feature- so you can hear them coming. I have a major problem with that issue on my electric bike......

User Journal

Journal Journal: Strange SQL Server 2014 behavior 7

I have a Select Statement that returns 4 rows. When used in a stored procedure as input to an Insert Into, though, it was returning five rows. I commented out SET NOCOUNT ON; which is added by the SQL 2014 template. It then returned 4 rows. To test that was what was really going on, I uncommented out SET NOCOUNT ON; and it is now returning 4 rows properly.

I made no other changes.

Anybody else ever run into anything like this??

Comment Re:Kernel size and compile reduction (Score 2, Insightful) 110

It sounds like the project you want [someone] to start, does this: reads a config file, looks at what modules ended up actually getting loaded, and then enables/disables config options, writes a new config file. Then your subsequent compiles can be faster and your /lib/modules can be smaller.

Comment Re:Unclear (Score 1) 37

The United States seems to have achieved it. Not that we don't have people suffering from malnutrition, but ours have a tendency to weigh > 300 lbs, so I can't describe them as starving.

I'm one such. I have really bad malnutrition. But I'm getting better- after a high of 350, I weighed in at 324 today.

Comment Re:Unclear (Score 1) 37

Borders are prison walls to serve a society that is predicated on starving people to motivate them.

And thus fail to serve a society that is incapable of starving people?

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
