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Comment Re:Or let us keep our hard-earned money (Score -1, Troll) 574

The other big "subsidy" is Strategic Oil Reserve purchases. And if you're suggesting the government stop making those purchases ... I might agree with you, given that we are now fracking the hell out of middle east oil cartel. But the stupid liberals would like to ban that practice, so we can get all of our oil from Tehran and other friendly terrorist states.

Comment Re:Or let us keep our hard-earned money (Score 1, Interesting) 574

"immense amounts of farming and oil subsidies"

The greatest subsidy with regard to Oil, is government taxes. The government makes a shit ton more off oil than the oil companies do. And most of the "Subsidies" being counted (Look at what is included) are heating oil subsidies for the Northern States for winter oil for poor people (yes, that is counted as an "oil subsidy"). And if you want to remove all Oil subsidies, you'll end up killing poor people who can't afford to heat their homes in the winter.

So, yeah, lets get rid of ALL oil subsidies, and put the blame on the (D) who keep spewing their misinformation "Oil Subsidies" (AKA Lies)

Comment Re:Problem? (Score 1) 162

We have a USB Standard, it was good enough. Standards wouldn't improve that without competition, enter FireWire, and USB needed an upgrade. Next up, ESATA, and USB needed another upgrade.

Standards don't change USB is still USB that standard hasn't changed, and now, we have three (or more) USB Standards (not to mention connectors)

I rest my case.

Comment Re:Why are websites dragging their feet on this? (Score 5, Interesting) 93

Google is in the process of killing off NPAPI plugins completely (like Flash, Java etc), and that API will be completely gone in a couple months. Websites better get rid of all the flash stuff soon, and HTML 5 is the replacement.

I applaud Google for forcing the industry forward.

Comment Re:I propose grades to the lawyers. (Score 1) 245

(No other information available, simplistic choice)

So, given the choice between two with SOME information, you'd rather randomly choose? Great, you just got a lawyer specializing in Divorce when you needed a specialist for something completely unrelated. I wonder if you'd pick doctors the same way.....

"Hey I need a brain surgeon ... eanie meanie minie moe ... a proctologist ! PERFECT, because my head is in my ass! "

Comment Re:Problem? (Score 1, Insightful) 162

standards are not maintained, then quality will decrease.

Standards are required when there is no competition. When competition is introduced, those that do better with less advance, and those that don't diminish.

FURTHER, I would suggest that standards tend to stagnate over time, or worse become increasingly useless as additional standards are placed (and then stagnate) in attempts to increase quality, having the exact opposite effect.

I work in education, and the education model we have, and are trying to maintain, is industrial era format, with Factory Schools building robot workers. The problem is, we aren't there anymore, and the model has to change. We don't have to keep inventing wheels to educate our kids more effectively. We just need the opportunity to change the system via Competition, where most end up better off.

Comment Re:Just like Teacher "Grades" (Score 1) 245

It might be, that the Principal doesn't have the requisite time to spend in classrooms because student discipline is out the window, and they are having do deal with rebellion in the hallways and classrooms. Or perhaps Parents of Johnny Rotten don't think Johnny is a bad seed, that it is everyone else. Or perhaps it is trying to organize the entire staff for the three weeks of Standardized Testing that needs to be completed ... or ... any number of other "urgent" matters that delay or disrupt the "important" ones.

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