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Comment Re:Legislate instead of educate (Score 1) 616

I hate that we have to legislate instead of educate people about vaccinations.

I hate that legislation is allowed to force people into something the state mandates. And it is funny, I remember in the early days of AIDS / GRID when certain people suggested state mandated quarantines, how the same people who are supporting state mandated vaccines said it was unconstitutional. Injecting poison into your body by force of law is legal, to protect the public from disease, but quarantining people to do the same is illegal.

Comment Re:concerned about **too many** homeschooling?? (Score 1) 616

I know plenty of teachers that don't understand 6th grade math. They teach English and Art. And yes, it is seriously wrong.

I'm in education, and while there are some really fantastic teachers out there, there are some really seriously flawed ones as well. You can't dodge all the raindrops.

Comment Re:Seems to be OK all around then (Score 0, Troll) 616

Slippery slopes are logical fallacies, not because they don't sometimes work, they are logical fallacies because they sometimes fail. That being said ...

At what point can the state compel people to have medical procedures done? Pregnant at 15, forced abortion? Take kids away from parents the state doesn't like how they are being raised?

Additionally, THIS kind of ruling / law doesn't really bode well with Abortion. The line is "My body, my choice" is completely done away with.

And what happens when we actually prove that Autism disorder is caused by bad vaccines? We already know some vaccines have really bad adverse problems, and kill. And if Vaccines are completely safe, why do they hide the data regarding adverse reactions with structured settlements?

The fact is, FORCING vaccines doesn't protect ANYONE from ANYTHING. Those people at risk, are still at risk. Those people who have been vaccinated are still protected. In fact, the Measles outbreak at Disneyland had almost nothing to do with the no-vaccine advocates, but was due to a strain that the American Vaccine doesn't fully protected against, and many of the victims were simply too young to have been through the fully regime.

But Facts don't matter when you have government FUD on your side.

Comment Re:$100 billion for 150 miles? (Score 1) 189

Okay a bit of Hyperbole, One in ten families could have a Tesla (current Estimated cost is approaching 70 Billion). Cost of Tesla is currently 71,000 (RWD, 60KWH battery), 674.5 billion /9.5

And we haven't even begun calculating the cost to ride ... that is just to get the damn thing built.

And we haven't even begun calculating the subsidies when ridership peaks at less than estimated.

The best estimations for the cost have all been way off, a bit like my hyperbole, wouldn't you say? (9 billion bond now will cost 70 billion to build).

Comment Re:$100 billion for 150 miles? (Score 1) 189

I don't love cars or trucks or trains or planes. I'm pragmatic like that. Right now, the cost of driving is cheaper (more pragmatic) than any other for of travel, up to about 500 miles, and depending on how many passengers are with me.

If I have to take a train, I have to take a taxi or park in $$ parking lot to get to the station, plus rent a car / taxi at the destination. Same with Airplanes. It isn't about love of cars, it is about cost of transportation.

Trains, especially HSR is a losing proposition, at current costs. It is better to build local trains to airports. I would love to be able to get on a train, to the nearest airport to fly the 500 miles. I would hope a train ride would be less expensive than parking in long term.

Comment Re:$100 billion for 150 miles? (Score 0) 189

California HSR is a joke. The cost of the project is already exceeding what was promised to the voters of the bond. Which means, it won't be nearly done for the price promised to tax payers by the liberal democrats who want the thing. Not only that, the estimated cost of tickets has already exceeded the cost of airline tickets for the same trip, and are considerably more than gas / mileage in a car.

It would be cheaper to give every California family a Tesla and build electric charging stations in every town.

But, actual costs aren't the issue, or so liberals love to tell us. I have no idea why liberals love trains so much, they are just another mode of transportation.

Comment Re:Drug dogs (Score 1) 409

Properly used, drug dogs are good at detecting drugs. The problem isn't the dogs, it is the handlers. A trained drug dog can "alert" when given a cue by the handler, falsely indicating drugs, when the dog didn't sniff any. There is no way to interrogate a drug dog in court about what it was smelling or if it was just following daddy's orders to alert on cue.

I would, if I were a lawyer, put a drug dog as a witness, and if I could get it to cue up an alert, then I would call for dismissal of all things after the dog alerted.

Comment Re:Instead... (Score 2) 356

I've been on plenty of mobile ready sites. The one thing that always bugs the shit out of me are ...

oversize ads

that, and the new trend of having pop overs for ads or subscription services or "Use our Mobile App" ...

Here is the deal, I keep a mental list of sites that do this, and I avoid them like the plague.

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