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Comment Re:Ideas (Score 2) 175

If you break something and hurt yourself few people will blame the inanimate object.

You obviously haven't experienced the US Justice system much. Not only do they blame inanimate objects, they blame those that make them for the stupid stuff that people do with those objects.

There is a reason why hair curling irons have this warning: "Do no attempt to curl eyelashes with this product. Serious injury is likely" (or similar). It is because someone did it, hurt themselves, and blames the hair curling iron manufacturers for their idiocy.

Comment Re:Why people care about sports (Score 0) 167

I think watching cars go in circles for hours is kind of boring. Excitement is when people crash (often terrifying) and a little less so when there is a pit stop. But mostly it is just boring. It isn't thrilling at all.

I know racing has helped engineering in cars over the years, and honestly, that is probably the best thing that can be said about racing. So, I support forcing racing to newer technology, improving technology.

Comment Re:New boss - same as the old boss (Score 3, Interesting) 79

Not a troll. They are ALREADY trying to figure out how to stifle free speech. Net Neutrality the concept is great. Net Neutrality as defined by Politicians and the current laws is so screwed up as to be dangerous.

And with the President's penchant for "executive orders", just imagine how the next one will screw it up even more.

Comment Re:What is Net Neutrality anyhow???? (Score 0) 318

If you believe the government is doing this for "net neutrality" reasons, you're both blind and stupid. What the government passed was NOT Net Neutrality. It was dressed up like it, but putting lipstick on a pig doesn't make it a whore. And this is very much like putting lipstick on a pig, in the end, you're gonna get Sausage instead of a nice blowjob.

Never underestimate the ability of government to fix something until it doesn't work at all.

Comment Re:Trash (Score 1) 141

Here's the problem, you fear the guy filming YOU, when you're being filmed by everyone. There is no difference except your feelings on on the subject.

Lets say you're in a bar, and you get drunk and do something drunken. Does it matter if it is Surveillance camera or Google Glass that captures the moment and gets posted to YouTube for all to see?

The difference between being illuminated by an LED and having a torch shoved in your face is not the same as camera or a camera. But if that is how you look at it, then good luck to you.

Comment Re:And now why this can not be done in the USofA (Score 0) 317

And you actually believe they would SUPPORT a Solar Farm, a Hydro Electric Damn, a Nuclear Power Plant, or Windmill Farm?

It is one thing to "say" you support something, and another when it actually comes around.

1) Solar Farms destroy ________ habitat
2) Hydro Dams destroy ________ habitat
3) Nuclear is scary dangerous
4) Windmills kill ______ birds.

What Greenpeace and others say is they support whatever, as long as it doesn't impact the environment. And since EVERYTHING impacts the environment, they oppose it on those grounds.

It is not a strawman when you compare rhetoric to actions. And while saying one thing, and doing another is hypocritical, it is also excused by people like yourself. Let me know when Greenpeace isn't opposing, but is actually supporting the next dam, wind farm, nuclear plant or solar farm. I won't hold my breath.

Comment Re:You can have my steering wheel. . . (Score 1) 341

In my neck of the woods, making a lane change, and slamming the brakes is considered "unsafe lane change" and is a moving violation. It happened to me, and the other driver was cited for that among other charges. That and I am (was??) a good driver, and almost missed him completely. The skid marks on the road, showing me maintaining control of my car, was enough for the police to rule right there that I was not at fault.

Comment Re:Most transparent Admn ever.... (Score 1) 334

The media has a decidedly left viewpoint, even if it has moments that seem right leaning. Pointing to odd cases of seemingly "right" leaning events, doesn't change anything.

And if you as me about the press' coverage leading up to the war, it is easy to see why. Then Sen Hillary was a war proponent making all the same claims as GWB. The press was giving her deference, which happened to line up with GWB.

By the time she ran for president, the press was more towards BHO, and that definitively helped him get elected. I mean, he was elected essentially for not being "white" and not being "Bush". He had no qualifications and it shows to this day.

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