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Comment Re:Automation is killing jobs faster than ever (Score 1) 435

Well, after the third accident, we took her car away. She never drove again, and died many many years ago.

Her driving degraded over the years, as she became more timid driver. But it was that last year when it became clear, she was a danger to drivers all around, because she did "unexpected" things while driving, but nothing illegal.

Comment Re:PPC macs were awful (Score 2) 236

Macs made USB!

It was very late in coming to Windows, and early implementations on Microsoft was horrible. They almost did the same thing to Firewire, and killed off the floppy long before it happened on PCs. SCSI implementation on Mac was also better. Mac tend to lead, PCs tend to "me too".

I have a theory on why this is, and it goes ... something like this.

Apple looks towards the future, and builds what will be "standard" in 3 years with their top of the line products. Things like USB, SCSI, Firewire, No Floppies, etc

Microsoft (and PCs) are always looking to build the least expensive product, and aren't very good at forward thinking. They wait for Apple to have "standards" they can use (USB) and the struggle to make those standards fit inside PCs. By the time PCs catch up, three years later, the re-announce "new" features that "just work" (sort of) that Macs had three years before, and thus become "standard".

Now it doesn't always work out that way, Apple has picked some horribly slick albatrosses along the way. Good ideas that never caught on (FireWire) But if you look at the "standards" today, almost all of them were "standard" on Mac long before they were standard on PCs.

I am not a Mac/Apple fanatic, I'll use anything you put in front of me. Computers are tools, and a craftsman uses any tool that's in front of him.

Comment Re:Automation is killing jobs faster than ever (Score 1) 435

I actually agree. However, I do know that old people can cause accidents that are "not their fault" technically and legally, but still cause accidents. My Aunt had three accidents in one year and yet NONE of them were her fault. She was just not where people expected her to be because she "froze" in the middle of an intersection during a light change. She didn't enter illegally, and the other driver wasn't paying close attention so technically, the accident wasn't her fault. But she shouldn't have been there in the first place.

This is the same woman that would make "three rights" to avoid making a left turn, and then would get "lost" and freeze in an intersection trying to figure out which way to go. Not her fault. She obeyed all the traffic laws perfectly.

Comment Re:This is the problem with having a two party sys (Score 1) 533

I wish I had mod points .... TROLL.

This kind of shit it just pathetic. But it works in Liberal crowds. People like you can't actually point to anything specific, so you toss out huge nasty sounding challenges, that have no basis in fact.

Take a look at Chicago, DC and NO, and tell me, what good has (D) policies done for the Minority Communities there?

Comment Re:bullshit (Score 1) 533

With Uber, the problem isn't with the City, it is with Liberalism. Uber is Libertarian and is fucking with Liberal "regulation" of "Cab Companies". When cities decide We are only having four Cab Companies", that is liberalism in a nutshell. Guess what, cab companies have abused their oligopoly and deserve to die a painful death under the new economy.

And with automated cars coming, it is going to get even messier. I love it! FREEDOM IS MESSY!

Comment Re:More Like Subsidized (Score 2) 533

I love people who don't know or understand Libertarianism try to describe it. Libertarianism oppose to abuses of power, and only want a government big enough to stop abuses of power. But we also know that abuses of power will exist. It is much easier to control "Boss Hog" in some rural county than it is to control "Hitler" in Europe.

Liberals love to describe Libertarianism as unworkable, simply because they don't like liberty. They like big centralized power that can control the masses. I would dare say that things like the IRS, NSA, DHS and all the other "abuses" of our federal government are exactly the result of Liberals wanting to control the outcomes of everyone's lives. They don't arise in a land of Liberty. Period.

I want unbridled liberty. It is messy, ugly and free. If a nice tidy society is what you want, you're a Fascist. But hey, at least the trains are on time.

Comment Re:More Like Subsidized (Score 1) 533

Liberals are people who see "Excellence" and think "That's not fair" and want to make the playing field "level" for the players that don't work and practice hard. So they saddle those that do work hard with extra weight "because they deserve it for taking advantage" of those that don't work hard.

Strawmen are easy to knock down.

Comment Re:More Like Subsidized (Score 1) 533

Nice Strawman!

"sell drinking water, you can dump your sewage in the river and sell your own clean upstream water"

Bull and Shit. Libertarians believe that people causing HARM to others need to pay for it. This means that if the water is being polluted, that those polluting the water are jailed and have to restore the river back to the way it was.

But like all Libtards, you love to set up strawmen just to knock them down and try to look impressive doing so. But if you want to play that game, "Liberals want to take all your money and give it to people who don't deserve it, just so they can create more poor people to vote (D)!"

Which is a strawman, but still is much much closer to the truth.

Comment Re:Rand Paul's a plagiarizing misogynistic racist (Score 2) 533

How is something that is pure unsupported drivel considered "insightful" ... oh right, because it fits with a certain mentality of (R) bad, (D) good and any (R) is evil rich white man wanting to oppress the brown and black people.

The biggest fallacy is that people want it harder for "minorities and poor to vote, to hold jobs", which is pure bullshit race baiting crap. Take a look at the places that have (D) leadership, and then look at the poor souls who live there and tell me the (D) people have done ANYTHING for the poor colored people, besides keep them poor and segregated.

The world was once rich with opportunity, not it is stuck in quagmire of equity of outcome, in which the poor colored people are trapped in poor segregated neighborhoods. Now, you can blame this on rich white men, but Oprah and Obama clearly show that most Americans really don't give a shit about your "color". They give a shit about your actions and appearance. If you want to dress like a prison whore with your pants down around your knees, by all means do so. But don't blame white people for not accepting idiocy in the name of "Ghetto Culture".

As a Libertarian, I oppose all welfare, except those that CANNOT (not will not) support themselves. If you're healthy, you should be working, and if you can't find a job, make one (deregulation required). But like everything else, taxes, fees and regulation do help but actually hurt the poor and middle classes. That $100 business license your city requires, only keeps the poor people from starting a business, legally. Rich don't care.

And as for the outright LIE of 'no access to birth control", that is pure LIBERALISM in a nutshell. Nobody is saying women can't have birth control. Not even the Supreme Court. And nobody is saying you can't take four of the twenty HHS Required Birth Control pills either. What they are saying is pay for them yourself. And if you're a strong, liberated woman, shouldn't you be able to afford the cost of your liberation?

No, sir, a vote for people like you is a vote for stupidity. Because you take liberal talking points that have already been proven false, and continue to spew them forth. And typical of liberal idiots, are commenting as AC. Chickenshit

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