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Comment Re:Exactly! I was saying that too! (Score 1) 1174

Why ethanol? It seems like renewable forms would be much better and would not disrupt the food supply (and pricing). If you're talking about automobiles, we should move towards the new IBM "breathable" batteries, which weigh much less because they get some of their power from the atmosphere. Batteries in cars make the most sense, because it decouples "power generation" from "power usage"; the batteries can be filled from energy produced via water, wind, sun, nuclear, coal, fusion, and whatever the next quantum-based energy source is. (Siblings said similar statements, albeit with much more vitriol...)

Comment Re:Backdoor (Score 1) 164

Since 911 we are living in Jack Bauer land. Better hope the Good Guys never lose their moral compass.

IIRC near the beginning of season 2, Jack Bauer killed a suspect in custody. I think the good guys lost their moral compass years ago... (Besides, what "good guys"? The government is just the last thug standing.)


Microsoft Says Two Basic Security Steps Might Have Stopped Conficker 245

coondoggie writes "If businesses and consumers stuck to security basics, they could have avoided all cases of Conficker worm infection detected on 1.7 million systems by Microsoft researchers in the last half of 2011. According to the latest Microsoft Security Intelligence report, all cases of Conficker infection stemmed from just two attack methods: weak or stolen passwords and exploiting software vulnerabilities for which updates existed."

Scientists Clone Sheep With 'Good' Fat 233

redletterdave writes "Chinese scientists have cloned a genetically modified sheep containing a 'good' type of fat found naturally in nuts, seeds, fish and leafy greens that helps reduce the risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. The gene, which is linked to the production of polyunsaturated fatty acids, was inserted into a donor cell taken from the ear of a Chinese Merino sheep. The cell was then inserted into an unfertilized egg and implanted into the womb of a surrogate sheep. With any luck, this process could be replicated in the future to clone more animals for safe and healthy consumption."

Comment Re:Gold isn't up at all. (Score 1) 531

In the Ron Paulite religion, gold is a sacred and mystical metal that can stave off recessions and makes economies unsinkable. Ron Paulites could be described as something of precious metal fetishists.

You have this backwards. To Ron Paul supporters, centralized banking is a recipe for extracting the wealth from a nation, through continuous boom/bust cycles, the boom being "easy credit" so people who shouldn't qualify for mortgages, do; the bust being "tightening credit" so those who shouldn't have qualified for mortgages are foreclosed on.

A stable currency won't "magically" cause these cycles to disappear. Moving away from centralized banking and fiat currency, will -- not magically, but because those cycles were designed in to the Fed's long con from the start.

Comment Re:Cooking Stimulated Big Leap in Human Cognition (Score 1) 487

But cooking, by breaking down fibers and making nutrients more readily available, is a way of processing food outside the body. Eating (mostly) cooked meals would have lessened the energy needs of our digestion systems, thereby freeing up calories for our brains.

That is so cool. It makes me feel something like a sea cucumber, which extrudes its stomach and begins processing its meal outside its body. :)

Comment Re:Malnutrition (Score 1) 487

Hi, I was adding those books to my Amazon wishlist, and it looks like the authors of "Good Fat, Bad Fat" are William P. Castelli and Glen C. Griffin, 1997. "Why We Get Fat" was 2010, and an earlier book by Gary Taubes was "Good Calories, Bad Calories", from 2008. Just curious which earlier book you were referring to? (Not looking for points for pointing out an error, just looking to correct it -- and read the right references. :)

Comment Re:She's right (Score 1) 106

[...] but a widely respected policy like this should prevent draconian knee-jerk bullshit like shutting down social media sites just because a group of miscreants use them for illegal purposes.

Yeah, let's shut down the oxygen because some criminals are using it to breathe with. Let's cut off our noses, damned face!

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