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Comment Re:Bugs are DRM (Score 1) 171

So is the question whether update downloads are encrypted? The ones for the Xbox and 360 aren't. Dunno about the 180. You can download them and unpack them with alternate tools. I would imagine that mostly the ones on the PC aren't either, but I haven't actually checked to see what it looks like when say STO downloads an update.

Once the files are laid down, though, it's only a matter of doing any necessary authentication, if your game has that sort of thing. And in theory, that can be patched out. The game assets are not being stored encrypted in any game I've played yet. You can rummage around the files if you can grok their formats. Again, given the example of STO, the assets are stored in .hogg files (yes, really, because they're pigs) and you need to use an unpacker to get access to the assets. Predictably, when I searched for this information (just now, I haven't modded STO) one of the first hits related to nude patches. Yay internets.

Comment Bioregionalism (Score 1) 413

Personally, I find it all to be a bunch of bullcrap. Have you seen those voting districts that are along, squiggly lines that wander all over the place? Give me big squares, randomly generated with approval from a set of judges or something like that, and get the god damned legislators out of the district drawing business.

That's not the answer either. The answer is to tie them to geographical features which define "bioregions", sadly itself not a highly defined term. We can usually recognize 'em when we se 'em. All the people in a given bioregion have a natural confluence of interests, and arbitrary districting works against that.

Comment Re:Cut and paste. (Score 1) 47

So you do not care if people are unable to read the message that you are trying to communicate.

If you are too stupid to parse out some bad characters which obviously all replace the same character, you are not my target audience. You are probably unable to comprehend simple concepts anyway, let alone anything worth discussing on slashdot.

Comment Re:Problems with renewable sources (Score 1) 235

Here in Spain, wind turbines have destroyed many beautiful natural landscapes

Oh yeah? Did it build whole cities in them that the country doesn't need? That worked out really well for China, so you decided to take on the approach at home. But I'm pretty sure the wind turbines haven't leaned over and scraped away any massive patches of natural habitat.

Comment Re:Nuclear is Clean (Score 2) 235

I know you're making that out like it's a bad thing, but I actually think it's a good strategy to hold out as long as you can, because the more time passes, the more likely technology will catch up and make clean up slightly less difficult.

If we leave the mess lying around for a long time where it can be distributed into the atmosphere like at Fukushima if something goes wrong, you mean. What a great idea! Let's create lots of those messes and see if any of them blow up! Whoops, in fact, something like half our messes are exactly like that. Same reactor design, usually sited someplace ignorant where it will flood, with a bunch of spent fuel sitting around on top of it... sometimes more than they had at Fukushima Daiichi.

Comment Re:Could be a good idea.. (Score 1) 110

Your first sentience in your original post is fine. The rest of them make it very clear that you're not a programmer.

That was my whole fucking point. Congratulations on your reading comprehension skills, today. You get a gold star! I imagine you don't have too many gold star days. A programmer should be able to answer such a question immediately, even if the answer is "I don't have a favorite because..." and not just pulling something out of their ass.

Comment Re:Not humane? (Score 1) 47

"more distributed" means more land use.

No, not it does not. It means integrating them into existing land use, in places where they're not used.

human labor is an astoundingly costly input, even just from an environmental perspective.


Modernization of food production is the central thing that has raised the standard of living from the stone age to the present day

Bullshit. That's often said but never backed up. The Green Revolution has in fact diminished our ability to produce food without massive energy expenditure. We must go back to a closed cycle in which the crap is reused or we will continue to deplete our topsoil. The best the GR achieved anywhere in the world was delaying starvation, and in some places it may well have caused at least as much as it postponed. Take a look at India to see what's coming for the rest of us.

Comment Re:machines made by humans, amoebas made by God (Score 1) 455

Yes, yes, i understand you - you don't understand me (and Greek, and Greek Orthodox theology!).

Well I'm glad I've articulated my position more successfully than you. ;) As regards Greek Orthodox theology, how would you know what I understand of it? I've not addressed it. Now it is true that I have rather more understanding of Western theology than Gk Orthodox, but for present purposes I'm assumed nothing more about your theology than that you do not believe God (except as incarnated in the person of Jesus) is corporeal.

[B]ut you choose that theoretical accusation because i am Greek?

No, not at all. I wouldn't especially associate paedophilia with Greeks (the etymology of the term notwithstanding). Nor with homosexuality for that matter. Rather the particular infamy of that charge was meant to dramatise the intolerable situation we should descend into, once we were to abandon the ancient precept pertaining to onus.

To call someone an atheist is an accusations of the most heinous crime.

Only where it is a crime to be so enlightened. I think you might find more people might object to being called a paedophile than an atheist (even among believers).

[I]n the Greek Orthodox theology it's not even posible to be without God since... its not posible!

That may be so in G.O theology, but since we have not yet been able to discover God anywhere outside your head, we are getting a little ahead of ourselves to deem it impossible for anyone else to be without him. More to the point it would be a mistake overly to fall back to the Greek etymology of the term when it has a clear meaning (relating to personal belief) in the language we are speaking. Thus the OED defines the 'atheist' in the first sense to mean "One who denies or disbelieves the existence of a God." Nor need we even use the term. I'm not particularly wedded to the word 'atheist' and actually prefer, when challenged as to my religious affiliation, to call myself simply a 'non-believer.'

Goddsess? blasphemy!

Not to the goddess worshiper, it's not! God, Goddess, it's all the same to me. I just wanted to emphasise that we were speaking about some abstract human-like creator, not in particular that god that is in your head. In any case, being Greek orthodox you surely don't harbour the fervent anti-Marianism of the anglophone churches?

Agnostic: the blind and deaf theist! You - curable

Again the OED has 'agnostic' meaning: "A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of immaterial things, especially of the existence or nature of God." Yes agnostics are blind, but unlike all the other blind people possess at least the humility to admit they do not know that which they cannot know.

As far as a cure, from my perspective, it is not I who needs to be cured. It is you who has fallen from the light of truth into the darkness of fable. Not that I should wish to cure you, mind. If a belief is capable of providing succor to a fellow sufferer in the vale of tears, far be it from me to disabuse them thereof. And in any case, were your beliefs to lead you to behave according to the highest ethical standards demanded by Jesus of his followers, (and I must say, I find it difficult to reconcile an admitted racism with those moral imperatives), I should have no ground to complain.

But now to the crux of the matter ...

So, because of the "contra principia negantem non est disputandum" YOU must accept that YOU are a theist (having God in you) else we cannot have a discusion!

You are exactly correct. Just as you are to me the barbarian who will not recognise the need to provide proof for your assertion that "God exists," so I am the wild man who regards what is for you axiomatic as the very thing to be established. There is then, on both those sides, little prospect of meaningful dialogue.

I hope at least that you may have benefited from practising your English with me.

Comment Re:Its just Apple being Apple (Score 0) 189

What kind of surprises me is that Apple doesn't have their own skunkworks R&D for coming up with new technologies like sapphire screens or other key components. They could work out what they wanted and then farm it out to someone who can mass produce it. Sort of like the Bell Labs or IBM labs.

Under Jobs, Apple followed Jobs' vision. Without Jobs, Apple has no vision.

Probably they should have gone with JLG and BeOS instead.

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