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Comment Re:Uh oh... (Score 2) 268

In all fairness... most shows take a couple seasons to hit their stride. I still remember watching the first episode of Star Trek: TNG and thinking that it stunk and I completely gave up on the show at that point. I then rejoined the party in season 2 and ended up loving the series, for the most part.

Also, how many episodic things have the Wachowskis worked on? I can only think of the Matrix films. Maybe there are things out there I haven't seen yet.

Comment Visit from the FBI (Score 1) 155

This reminds me of when the FBI visited my grandfather because he had the same name as some mafia guy who happened to live nearby. I remember him having to sign paperwork swearing he wasn't the same guy as the criminal. lol Crazy stuff! This was in the late 80s, btw.

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