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Comment Re:What are they looking for.... (Score 4, Informative) 103

That's the point of these flights. Any kind of long term installation would be visible, as would major troop movements. These flights are about showing both sides that neither side is making any significant changes to status quo around the border.

Finland has a very long history of living with Russia on its borders, and unlike our hysterical neighbours in the West and South, we actually know how to communicate with them to defuse conflicts. Comes with being a neutral European state with huge border with Soviet Union that isn't a part of NATO, as well as fighting USSR off twice during 1939-1944 period.

Comment Re:Meanwhile... (Score 3, Informative) 103

The cases listed show no evidence of the only violation of international laws that you suggest (invading international space without reason such as avoiding a storm), instead showing that US aircraft did in fact commit to territorial airspace violations during those actions.

Specific example, straight from material linked by you:
On 18 July 2014 an American surveillance plane conducting operations near Kaliningrad was chased into Swedish air-space after being approached by Russian fighters. This evasive action took place without Sweden’s prior approval that the US aircraft could enter Swedish airspace.

Note how "surveillance plane conducting operations" is viewed as a neutral, but aircraft scrambling to intercept it are apparently a hostile move if intelligence aircraft is US one and intercepting aircraft is Russian. And if it's the other way around, it's "oh those evil Russians in the international airspace".

Quite a good demonstration of the severe propagandist bias in related reporting. Thank you for providing such clear example.

Comment Re:What good is this? (Score 3, Informative) 103

Reminder: Finland is not a member of NATO. It's not an enemy of Russia like NATO is. It's not looking for venues to attack Russia and therefore looking to scout out defensive positions already in place. As a result, it's goals are completely different and while I would probably agree that for a NATO this would be mostly "wasted fuel", for us it's not.

Because this is about ensuring peace on the long border by letting both sides know what medium and long term installations are already in place and that no agreements already in place are being violated. With no reason for any kind of tensions or conflict on the border and around it, these kinds of actions ensure peace and stability in the region.

Comment Re:This is interesting.... (Score 1) 573

Ocean acidification is directly linked to CO2 emissions and global warming and are a CONSEQUENCE of it. As a result, just like global warming itself would suggest, it's a global problem.

At the same time, ocean acidification related to other forms of pollution is highly localized around polluters due to extreme oceanic ability to dilute anything that is pushed into them in concentrated amounts. Which is a great thing considering the sheer volume of extremely toxic materiel that was dumped into various seas and oceans over last century.

Particulate emissions are also highly localized to the point where they effectively ceased being a problem in many regions around Europe after being a severe problem over the continent for a long time. This is mainly related to introduction of various emissions rules and quotas which in turn forced most of the polluting plants to switch to cleaner burn cycles coupled with various filters on exhaust, intake quality controls and other methods of pollution control. Catalytic filters both on burner plants and automotive ICEs also helped clean it up a great deal. At the same time countries with no such rules such as China experienced significant worsening.
This is because of highly localized nature of this kind of pollution. Particulates that get into upper atmosphere and spread into jet streams are more mobile, but they are far less harmful to surface dwellers in general as most particulates never get that high in significant concentrations. You angle of "being detected" is utterly ignorant of difference between "ability to detect" and "being harmful". Differential here is typically counted in millions and billions of times.

Comment Re:Climate Engineering (Score 1) 573

"Natural evolution of economy" leads to crashes because it chases short term gains that are often vastly damaging to itself in long term.

Citations: 1930s recession, currently ongoing credit crunch crisis.

Suggesting this as a viable solution to a long term problem is akin to suggesting burning your house down as a solution to warming yourself for the upcoming winter.

Comment Re:What portion of the memory is usable this time? (Score 1) 110

12GB card apparently, because this seems to be upsized 980 rather than 970.

But if they were to ever make Tital Z LE or similar cut down version to utilize their not fully operational dies, one would have to look very hard into just how much of real memory and how much "marketing memory" such a card would have.

Comment Re:Mini-review (Score 3, Informative) 256

I think this has come from real life examples. Specifically the company that made the game is in my home city of Tampere, and we had a couple of cases about a year ago where a dead person was discovered in their apartment because of the smell coming from their apartment.

Their head designer said that quite a few of their various features were inspired by events in their home city.

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