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Comment Re: Jerri (Score 1) 533

If I plan on losing my job, bankruptcy and a debt wash will have little cost to me.

I think it makes more sense to take the extra money and buy a non-gold precious metal (more stable, gold is likely to collapse, it has in the past, and it's quite high considering how low inflation has actually been) to hedge against inflation, and then use that money for other things, or debt on the chance of job loss.

Comment Re:Won't make it to 50 (Score 2) 64

Yep. I was a Classic Traveller player and it seemed GW went from having literally hundreds of different games/game systems to Warhammer and White Dwarf only over a very short period of time. I too stopped going. There was another local shop that covered Tunnels & Trolls, all the mini game systems, Star Fleet Battles etc but even they finally folded last year.

Comment Re: This couldn't have anything to do with... (Score 1) 201

I was reading the reasoning that OP proposed for U2s popularity is the relative quality.

I say that's poor reasoning because it would imply TS is number two, and U2 is the absolute all time greatest, and the only hand popular enough to overwhelm current pop. That seems quite unlikely to me.

Comment Re: More ageist stupidity (Score 1) 196

Well, if we use "everywhere" is limited to only the US, marriage is 16, not 18. If everywhere means the world, there is no global ban. Though there is a treaty that uses "puberty" as a minimum standard.

I can't find any credible source for a global ban existing for young women in the context you use. Please enlighten me.

Comment Re: do no evil (Score 1) 185

The .dec thing really reads to me like they use it internally, and don't want to use it.

I can think of no other reason for getting a very generic tld, and saying only we can use it, only for our stuff.

Comment Re: I should think so! (Score 1) 107

I tend to agree, the people I know that use blue ray don't have Internet. There's plenty of cheap boot legs next to the red box in the shadier parts, but the people buying them don t have Internet. For the rest of the people I know, a few dollar rental online here and there covers the gap of Netflix.

Comment Re: Kinda like systemd / debian (Score 1) 196

I can't tell of this is serious, or satire.

One of the issues discussed doesn't seem to match the others. Primarily, I know best in this area, make me all powerful is exactly the type I would expect to with a minority be pro systems and pro marrying children (because you know who is best for them).

Most excellent Poe style post!

Comment Re:Consumers win (Score 2) 210

Back before thinkpads were Lenovo (or at least in the XP era), I could get and then boot into recovery mode to do a fresh install. I had a helpful wizard that allowed me to uncheck all of the bloatware when re installing. I miss that feature.

Comment Re: Yes. It will. (Score 1) 146

You are right, I thought it was in the 1-3 million a month range, but the closest I can find is the .75 million / month from ten months ago.

Butsis agree, popular stuff can suck, but the guy kicks out content fast, consistently, and is WAY more popular than honey boo boo. Honey boo boo peaked at 3 mil night of. This guy gets more than that (note, using week old numbers, so maybe off).

I'm not a fan of either, but pewdiepue is sneaky relevant, while honey boo boo was something talked about, but irrelevant ( relatively). He's the most subscribed yo YouTube channel, that's way more relevant than the most popular show on a second (maybe) tier basic cable network.

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