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Comment Re:It's not autonomous (Score 1) 406

a human operator won't even be required for safe operation; only to provide instructions about where to go.

I dunno, but letting humans decide where an autonomous vehicle should go, might still be a recipe for unsafe operation...


* Naïve people unfamiliar with local gang activity patterns

I live in the bad part of town! I could see entering my home location and the car saying "I can't let you do that, Dave".

Comment Re:Noooooooooo! (Score 0) 56

Those who are culturally jewish or not strict adherents tend to be more liberal. Orthodox jews vote far more conservatively.

The american left is a pretty strange coalition. Many of the subgroups within the coalition have opposing interests and are only united by the fact that they are anti-republican. If the republican party is disolved, it will be interesting to see how if the democrats can stay unitied.

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