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Comment Re:All I know is... (Score 1) 201

That DSL competition is the only reason I have DSL. Verizon sent me a modem, it couldn't connect. They do very little troubleshooting before they decided to say that DSL wasn't available in my area. One of the other DSL providers chased the problem down and forced Verizon to fix their shit. I've had DSL ever since.

Comment Re:Final nail in the 32-bit coffin? (Score 1) 158

You guys are all over the Connect requests for this, and I want to strangle each and every one of you.

Yes, the code itself doesn't take up much memory. If that's all we were doing, we would never hit the 3GB ceiling. VS isn't just a text editor. When you start using designers (both MS's and third party), analyzers, code mapping, workflow, etc you'll find that you quickly run out of space. Products like DevExpress really chew through memory. It is very easy to hit the limit, and there are many, many developers complaining to MS about it.

Comment Re:Final nail in the 32-bit coffin? (Score 1) 158

Having to create and maintain only one build is better than two. It would also force software companies to develop for 64 bits. If MS dropped 32 bit support, maybe we'd finally get a 64 bit version of Visual Studio that doesn't drop dead when you hit over 3GB in use. Is Firefox even 64 bit on windows yet (the main version, not a dev branch)? There's no reason for most of us to have 32 bit support on our PCs anymore, and dropping it would convince some stragglers to finally release their software in 64 bit form.

So let's get started on 128 bit systems..

Comment Re:The Dangers of the World (Score 1) 784

I have friends and family in the service. They are not brainwashed puppets. A military cannot function if everyone in every level of the chain of command decides to challenge orders or turn against themselves. Killing a leader is not an option. The real solution is for the public to elect the right people into office so that our government does not direct our military into situations they should not be involved in. What we do not need is a military coup to run counter to the laws of our nation.

North Korea is much like a cult. The flow of information is strictly controlled and its people are cut off from the outside world. That's not a situation that has an equivalent in developed nations. The fact that you can even post a comment like that shows the stark difference between us and them.

I honor the people that serve because our country only exists so long as there are people like them willing to die to protect it.

Comment Re:About time (Score 1) 417

I think you're doing the same thing the President is doing and way over-simplifying the problem. Why is college so expensive? Redistributing wealth isn't the answer here. If something costs more than it should, you don't throw more money at it. You examine where the money is going and how you can run things more efficiently. As a tax-payer, I want some proof that this has been looked at before Uncle Sam starts helping himself to more of my paycheck. You may have extra money in your budget that you don't need, but that's not going to be true of every supposed "well-off" household. I'm only just getting to the point of paying off my student loans, and I'm not a youngster. And BTW, I was able to buy a house while I still had a significant amount of student loans. I couldn't afford a McMansion, but we have a decent home.

Yes, enforcing immigration laws may cause some disruption to industry, but I think that's the correct course of action. A lot of food in the grocery stores doesn't even come from the US, so I'm not sure how worried we should be. If the farm workers get better wages than we're less in need of wealth redistribution, right? I don't agree that the fact that someone hasn't been caught for some number of years means they should be eligible to stay. That's spitting in the eye of people who have been stuck on wait lists forever. The people on wait lists should be first.

"Government job is to insure the success of this country through whatever effective means necessary."

Great. Let's invade Canada and steal everything they have that might be valuable. That's basically what you and the President are proposing, except that you want to pillage the middle and upper middle classes. The individual states have their own ways of getting people to college. This is not a matter for the feds. If the feds want to analyze the state systems and find out ways in which some are more efficient and successful and provide that information to the other states, I'm fine with that. But I don't want unfunded mandates from DC that force compliance. Common core is contentious enough.

You're still using "free education" in your last line. There is no such thing. Understanding that should be a prerequisite of any further discussion. This is also not something that should be done as an executive action. The President is not the sole embodiment of the voice of all the people. There is no consent of the governed when decisions are made this way. A college education wouldn't matter because in the future we'd all be employed by the government.

Comment Re:About time (Score 1) 417

There is no such thing as free. Now people will be stuck paying their student loans AND have to pay for the self entitled dipshits that get a "free" ride courtesy of Obama. It's just like immigration. The ones doing it illegally get amnesty while the ones trying to do it legally and have been waiting a long time to get in get screwed over. Government is not there to pay your bills for you or to make large swathes of the population immune from laws.

Comment Re:Obama: please stop helping us! (Score 1) 417

I think part of that is the rural areas have virtually nothing, so as they are just getting broadband they are getting a newer infrastructure as a starting point.

Exactly right. I live in an older part of town near enough to the central office that I should be able to get much higher speeds that I actually get over DSL. The problem is archaic wiring and infrastructure in my area. The phone company has no incentive to upgrade it because we have no other option than Comcast, and nobody wants that.

Comment Re:What's scary is (Score 2) 177

The only issues I've hit is that you can't get at Adblock Plus's settings, which is kind of weird. There's a fork you can install that fixes it. The only other glitch I've seen is that the search bar on Google's Play store disappears. That can be worked around by modifying the user-agent string. Other than that, it works fine. No issues with Youtube, even with plugins to download videos from it.

This is with the x64 build. I've been using it ever since the CEO firing thing happened.

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