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Comment Study says less about altruism, more about fairnes (Score 1) 123

The study, in case you don't want to read the article, paired people off (so they didn't see each other but knew the other person was there), then one was offered a choice of various "shock bundles" (like 10 for 7$, or 15 for 10$ or the like) along with the choice who should get the shocks while this "decider" always got the money, no matter who he dealt the shocks.

People now taking shocks for the money they take doesn't say anything about altruism. It says something about what people perceive as fair. I get the money, so I should do the "work" for it. If you want altruism, check out how many will take the shocks while giving away the money!

Comment Re:It's a combination of problems (Score 1) 154

Could we have a business meeting? Preferably all day, every day? You see, I'd LOVE to turn that bugging device off, but my boss insists that I have it with me.

That's maybe what I forgot to write: Google Glass doesn't have any kind of corporation backing that forces people to use it, like it or not.

Comment Re:The end result (Score 1) 226

After 19 weeks you have, essentially, someone who may or may not have grasped the very basics of the topic (provided he has any kind of mathematics or logic background, else it's "may not" for sure). Unless he has some sort of prior knowledge, it's quite useless.

I see the whole mess as some sort of fast track "look, I have some sheet of paper that makes me something" crap to fool gullible HR departments.

Comment Re:Community college bubble... (Score 3, Informative) 226

Odd. During my university years, Modula2 was the language for our coding introduction course, C was used in system programming, Pascal/Delphi was it for Software Engineering classes...

In other words: The right tool for the right objective. Language does not matter. There's exactly two kinds of languages: Imperative and declarative. The rest is mostly dialect. Whether you write your code in Java or C++, in Python or Perl, from a purely educational point of view it doesn't really matter.

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