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Comment Re:Then stop stealing my stuff! (Score 1) 160

And that's enough justification to allow shit like this to happen? Protecting your stuff is worth making others miserable or even lose business? A law that would make such a behaviour possible in the real world (like the aforementioned shutting down a mall because a head shop somehow got inside) would instantly be repealed and repaired to ensure that nobody else gets harmed.

But everything's different on the internet. Fuck, there really is no sense and logic in laws concerning sex, drugs and copyright. All of them seem to be governed by panic and knee-jerk reactions.

Comment Re:The best encryption: No encryption (Score 1) 225

They can demand all they want, I can only hand over what I have. I can't give you what doesn't exist. Which, of course, doesn't guarantee that it will end well for me. Just look at Saddam and him being asked to hand over his nonexistent WMDs.

But it still increases my chances.

Comment The best encryption: No encryption (Score 3, Insightful) 225

At least none that can be seen. You cannot demand keys for something you don't know of. If there's a container with a "please enter pass phrase" lock on top of it, it begs for a key.

Unused space on your hard drive that looks like it contains old data from before you last partitioned, though...

Comment Re:Short memories (Score 1) 80

Erich Mielke (former head of the Stasi) said in an interview not too long before his death that, if they had at least some of the tools they have "today (note: Mielke died in 2000), the GDR would still exist.

Well, Erich, look at the bright side: Your country failed. Yet at least your system of total surveillance and fear survived even you, and is taken to heights that you could not even have dreamed off.

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