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Comment Re:Short memories (Score 1) 80

Erich Mielke (former head of the Stasi) said in an interview not too long before his death that, if they had at least some of the tools they have "today (note: Mielke died in 2000), the GDR would still exist.

Well, Erich, look at the bright side: Your country failed. Yet at least your system of total surveillance and fear survived even you, and is taken to heights that you could not even have dreamed off.

Comment Hold it! What were the actual questions? (Score 1) 686

Was the question maybe "Has Snowden done "more to hurt" U.S. national security than help it"?

In this case, even someone who agrees with his actions has to answer yes. He probably did actually hurt national security. But the benefit for the liberty and transparency for every person on the planet, and especially in the US, outweighs that easily.

Screw that survey.

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