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Comment Re:What (Score 1) 51

This story doesn't necessarily focus on what the game is about, specifically.
It's a popular game which saw a bullshit push from Sony, gamers fought back, Sony was forced to rescind their decision.
To be honest, I had never heard of that game until last week, because it's not my cup of tea, however I was very interested in how things would play out since this exploded.

Comment Re:No one is programming anything (Score 1) 99

And that approximation scares me - because it's based on weights.
I've been watching Mentour Pilot's YouTube channel for years. Many of those accidents (some of them horrific) were directly or indirectly caused by software implementations in the fly-by-wire logic, and there we are talking about much simpler systems.

If firing a guided rocket at an enemy target in certain conditions yield a 98.3% success rate, and in a combat situation the AI is put in that situation, only there's a civilian aircraft behind the target, how do you tell the AI "that success rate is not enough in this case, you better maneuver in such a way that the civilian aircraft has zero risk of being hit"? Especially if that particular situation doesn't exist in the training data set?

Comment Re:All nice and well (Score 1) 99

It was a very high-level (as in programming) example at 1 AM in the morning, it was not intended to be taken ad-literam.
"Implement an exception" could be done in any number of ways, the result is exactly that, an if-then-else (or a series thereof). I'm not discussing its complexity or exact means of implementation; those are outside the scope of the conversation.

The point is (romanticized): take a human pilot, then excise everything that makes them human, leaving only the piloting part.
How do you implement "But there are children down there!" reasoning in the situation I detailed above, without the relevant past experience as a human being, when given an order to destroy that enemy target?

Comment All nice and well (Score 1, Interesting) 99

...until AI decides to do something (we see as) stupid because the datapoints didn't teach it that specific combat situation.
AI can't assess the combat situation and decide against an order which is based on incomplete data and would lead to a disaster.

Random example: AI-piloted fighter engages enemy above a civilian populated area, at some point the enemy target is between AI airplane and ground, a missile could be launched, but if the missile misses the target, it would slam into that nice neighborhood. AI has orders to destroy the enemy, fires said rocket, which misses and slams into said nice neighborhood. Boom, hundreds dead.

Sure, you could implement an exception, than an exception to that exception, then... you know. A whole web of intertwined decision trees. Neat, but SLOW. Won't work either.

A human pilot could also make mistakes, but they would understand responsibility and generally err on the side of protecting civilians, sometimes against their immediate orders (or maybe I am THAT naive). The AI would not, unless it's taught a LOT more things than just how to fight, and there will always be huge gaps in its training, simply because it doesn't have 25+ years of human life under its belt.

Comment Re:Big Whoop (Score 5, Informative) 86

I agree linking accounts is not such a big deal.
The core issue is the proverbial "altered deal".
When Joe Q. Gamer went and bought the game, he could play the game without having to link accounts, as the feature was optional.
Months later, it suddenly becomes mandatory, or else.
It's like buying a car which has an optional "free streaming of a fiddle music radio station". You don't care about that, so you ignore it. Six months later, they tell you "Oh, by the way, that fiddle music radio station is now mandatory to be ON at all times, otherwise that car of yours? Yeah... it's not going to start."

Of course people are pissed, exactly because linking accounts is not a big deal. If it's not a big deal, why on Earth would the game be DISABLED if you don't do it?
At most, I could (reluctantly) accept missing whatever future DLCs which would only be available through PSN. But losing access to the game I paid for and own, which worked fine without that account linking crap? That's bullshit, man, and you know it.

Note: I don't own the game; it wasn't even in my Steam wishlist. But I just took a look and review drop is brutal. 108K reviews, mostly negative. Ouch.
One negative review caught my eye, I will quote it below:

Yeah i'm not linking my account to PSN.
April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users
May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen
June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts
November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures
August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts
September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack
October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score 1) 28

Rogue One is a great movie, I'll give you that.
Mandalorian started OK (not great, but OK), then lost its way. Season 3 was very underwhelming.
Andor was good, but I'm not holding my breath. Let's see what Season 2 brings.
Obi-Wan was crap. Ahsoka (not Ashoka, by the way) was crappier. I haven't watched Boba Fett, no opinion there.
And I openly admit I'm too old, mentally, to enjoy the animations.

If anything, the Star Wars francize could be characterized as "inconsistent". It's like that sadistic father who caresses his child one minute and slaps him the next.

Comment Re:If you want to remember a site... (Score 1) 116

2x webmail tabs.
2x Social Media tabs.
2x work-related web apps.
Home Assistant.
Ubiquiti Monitoring.
2x 3D Printer tabs.
Blue Iris Webapp.

That's 12 tabs I access several times a day. They are all pinned, they don't take much on the tab bar.
Apart from those, my browser can balloon to 20+ other tabs when I perform whatever subject research, but then I need to clean them up.

Comment Re:And in other news.... (Score 1) 223

Believe it or not, I know quite a few people who had, and still have, the opportunity to live in a detached house, and still would rather live in an apartment in a block.
I'm the other way around. I lived in apartments and hated them. I lived in houses and loved them. Wouldn't go back to an apartment for the life of me.
But not everyone is the same.

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